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Matches postponed by waterlogged pitch

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Is it realistic to have matches postponed because of a waterlogged pitch? I’ve had 4 postponed at Altrincham this season. I find it hard to believe that clubs in England haven’t figured out how to drain rain off a pitch. 

I now have matches on the upcoming Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ... as well as matches twice a week for the next 6 weeks due to the postponed matches and stupid cups. I understand that this is included in the program to make it harder to win, but this seems excessive and unrealistic. 

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We drew the Saturday match and lost the Tuesday match (both league matches). We had a lot more shots in both matches but we were FMed. 

The Thursday match was in the stupid Leasing.com Trophy Cup. What could be dumber than that? So I played my third-string players (kids and no talents). Mansfield had 24 shots and we only had 4, but we won 1-0. $#@!

Lesson learned: the key to winning after the latest update is to use garbage players and let the other team have 6x more shots than you! Guaranteed success!

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