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[FM20] Panels query


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I've just recently purchased FM20 and I'm trying to set my skin up the way I had it in FM19. 

One issue I have came across is in the player attributes screen, when playing at 125% zoom (my preference) it shows scroll bars in next to the attributes even though all of the attributes are shown. Is there any way to remove these? (screenshot)

The second issue is in the 'news' page I had 'dynamic images' panels in my skin that allowed the relevant stadium to show depending on the news (e.g. if it was Newcastle transfer news, St James Park would show). The dynamic image panels from FM19 don't appear to have transferred across correctly. They work in some instances (like Liverpool on the screenshot) but not others. Does anyone have any ideas? (screenshot)


Premier League_ Headlines.png

Edited by Ryan377
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Hi, Bro.

1. In terms of "Player Attributes"

  You could change the line 33 of "player/player attributes panel profile.xml" to the following.

    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0,0,-1,0" apply_to_children="true"/>

2. In terms of "News"

2-1. You could delete  <!--  on the line 8 of "competition/competition news image panel.xml" AND  -->  on the line 9 of the same file.

    <!-- Background -->
    <widget class="picture" id="bkgd" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true"/>
    <widget class="stadium_picture" id="stad" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true"/>

2-2. Please try the attached files.
    dynamic_images/face and logo 1.xml
    dynamic_images/face and logo 2.xml
    dynamic_images/face and logo 3.xml

face and logo 1.xml face and logo 2.xml face and logo 3.xml

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hey @Vakzin_QPR, thanks for your help as always.


1) Can I get this panel by extracting the original skins with the resource archiver? I've had a quick go now but couldn't locate it!

2) Many thanks mate, it's looking great. Just two minor issues, the font appears to have turned grey on some text after applying this, do I just need to edit a digit somewhere? Also, on the smaller sections on the bottom the alignment of the faces is slighty off when compared with the stadiums, is there any way to adjust these faces slightly higher? (hope that makes sense).

Your help is much appreciated. 


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1. Here you are.

2-1. Regarding text color
  The color of "text" seems to be grey as I see the screenshot.
  Have you changed anything in the "settings" folder?

2-2. There are 2 ways to fix it, I suppose.
  a) To increase the width of images.
     You could change the first value (it is 86) on the line 17 of "competition/competition news item medium.xml" to 102.

    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="102,-1" offset="0" gap="8"/>

  b) To increase the top and bottom margins. (the size of images would not change)
     You could change the second value (it is 20) on the line 21 of "competition/competition news item medium.xml"(the same file above) to 25.

    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0,25" apply_to_children="true"/>

player attributes panel profile.xml

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1) thank you!

2.1) I'd duplicated a file in my panels folder which was causing this, my mistake!

2.2) brilliant, that's fixed it! Thank you so much. 

One more quick query. Is it possible to get the stadium background behind the manager sacking board? I imagine I need to edit the manager appointment.xml file (attached) somehow and add the stadium code element. Any ideas?  Promise I'll stop asking for your help after this lol!


manager appointment.xml

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On 19/02/2020 at 12:46, Vakzin_QPR said:

Here they are.

hiring:  "dynamic_images/manager appointment.xml"
sacking: "dynamic_images/manager sacking.xml"


You don't have to keep that promise!

hire and sack 2.jpg

manager appointment.xml 1.89 kB · 0 downloads manager sacking.xml 1.81 kB · 0 downloads

Thank you as always bro, your help is much appreciated :thup:

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