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delayed crosses

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Is there a way to make wingbacks and wingers cross more directly, and not wait for the opositions defender to get in position?

They receive brilliant passes, but then they dally on the ball and smash it into the defender, and it ends up in a corner or goalkick.

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Yeah hard to say without the tactic but I had the same problem but was playing ’work ball into box’ and ’mixed crossing’. Made a new tactic and some of the changes (among others) where ’early crosses’ and ’low crosses’ and have been scoring som nice goals from crosses since then. 

But also, sometimes mabye it’s from lack off support in the box. When I was frustrated with the exact same thing I started to look at what options the winger/wingback had in the box. Sometimes there was only one of my players in there and 4-5 defenders. So maybe they are waiting on the ball cause there’s no one to cross to, in which case the best option maybe is to knock it at the defender and get a corner?

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Tactics can be a factor; however, I'm finding players seemingly waiting forever to be closed down (worse than normal) for no apparent reason. I'm also finding it absurdly easy to get my FBs/WBs (4312/532) into that kinda space in the first place. So while it can be extremely frustrating, the results probably balance out about right. It's kinda like the issue with balls over the top creating way too many 1v1s, but their conversion rates being atrocious, early on.  

Edited by XuluBak
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