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Help needed: sorting squad screen...


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Hello all,

As a long time CM/FM player I've become accustomed to the personalization of the look of the game, and such was the case with FM08. My squad screen had a nice sorting feature; if I opened up that screen my team was represented as followed by default:

First the 11 field players sorted by position, then the reserves and at last the players who where not selected also sorted by position (which isn't the case at the moment, unselected players are unsorted and it remembers the last sorting selection). Unfortunately I don't remember anymore if that was a skin feature or a mod or such...

My question, is there anybody out here who knows what I have to edit to sort my squad screen neatly again, I've looked through lots of XML files but cannot find anything familiar and an extensive search here and on Google didn't brought any luck either...

Thanks in advance! :thup:

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In addition to this request (sorry to hijack your thread), would it be possible for someone to post a list of all the different field code names and a what they represent? That way, instead of people constantly asking, they can just read this post, decide what they want and do it themselves.

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In addition to this request (sorry to hijack your thread), would it be possible for someone to post a list of all the different field code names and a what they represent? That way, instead of people constantly asking, they can just read this post, decide what they want and do it themselves.

If you go here you can open up the xml file and see all the fields.


They are all pretty straight forward.

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Hmm, I've just found this line in the team squad.xml:

<!-- default sort by playing position (primary), then picked position, then name -->

<list id="default_sort_column" >

<integer value="Ppos" />

<integer value="Pnam" />

...and changed it to:

<!-- default sort by playing position (primary), then picked position, then name -->

<list id="default_sort_column" >

<integer value="Ppkd" />

<integer value="Ppos" />

...(that was the line from my FM08 skin) but that didn't do the trick, even tried to replace the FM09 team squad.xml with my FM08 one, but to no avail. So my best guess is that the team selection sorting thingy is (also) controlled by another XML maybe?

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This is really doing my head in because when I look in tactic person list.xml (where the sorting actually behaves like I want to with the team squad) there's this line...

<!-- default sort by picked position (primary), then playing position, then name -->

<list id="default_sort_column" >

<integer value="Ppkd" />

<integer value="Ppos" />

<integer value="Pnam" />

...copied this line to the team squad.xml but I still can't get it to work. :(

It's probably something really stupid that I miss so anybody got a clue?


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For everybody with the same problem, here's a reply from Ollie C on how to do this:

If I understand what you want correctly what you need to do is click on the 'Pkd' column to sort by that column then hold down [shift] + Click on the 'Position' column and this should do secondary sort on the position column

Works like a treat!

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