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Holidaying into the future before starting a Save

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Does anyone here do that? 
I quite like the idea of a completely fresh game world 30 years in the future with the added challenge of newgen personalities to manage that you can’t get with real players

any pros and cons to this approach?


Edited by Brother Ben
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I ALWAYS do this, without exception, ever since CM 00/01. The idea of playing with real players just never appealed to me. I want the footballing world introduced to me as a completely blank piece of paper. I can't say that this is better or worse, but it's just how I want to play. I always load up the game and let the AI take things on its own for a good 20 or so years, ensuring that all or most real players have gone.

There are cons though. To me the biggest drawback is the quite lacklustre coding of newgens. IRL, players differ more from one another whereas newgens will slightly conform to being molded in the same way. I mentioned this in another thread the other day. There are no penalty specialists anymore. There are other attributes as well that seem to be lacking. Bravery is often low. Others mentioned flair often being low. Corners, free kicks. There are probably more that I haven't noticed.

Players also tend to decline very early. 32 seems to be an age where the free fall is unstoppable whereas irl some players even get better at 34 or so. This is probably not a newgen problem but a general FM problem because I'm sure the same thing happens to FMs real player base.

Other than that, I can't think of anything bad. I love being deep into a save and see how the world has unfolded. Usually the changes 20 years down the line aren't too excessive, but I've seen both Stoke and Southampton winning the EPL, Japan and, I think Norway, winning the world cup.

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Thanks for the reply, some great insight there, a lot of which I had suspected, especially the early decline of players but I can live with that.

My next question really is how do you get to that point?  Do you load all the leagues you will use and then just let it load over night or do you maybe just use 1 league and then add the rest when you get to your new date?

For myself I think I may use one of the level 11/12 English expansion databases but stick it on full detail for those leagues so that results aren't purely based or reputation and the quick match engine, even if it takes a long time to holiday. 

I'll probably turn off the full detail once I start playing, maybe just leaving it on for the leagues immediately above and below me if I start at say Level 10

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@Brother Ben, in past FMs I would load the big leagues, English, Spanish, Italian, German, French and sometimes the Swedish one (pointless but it's my domestic league so). I've seen some weird stuff happen when you add leagues later on; new players have emerged with an attribute distribution so odd that it's really hard to look past it. And for FM20 I had a new laptop with capabilities I was unsure of. I was afraid it would be too slow, and figured I'm only gonna stay at one club anyway, so I just loaded the English league system. Later down the line, this past season actually, I decided I needed the other big leagues as well so I've added them - can't say I've noticed processing time is slower.

Yes, I just start unemployed and go on holiday. It does take some time. The first season is quick, but for every subsequent season it's a little slower. I think 20 years takes anywhere between 12-18 hours depending on how strong your computer is.

I've also contemplated starting with a ready savefile from the forum, I know there were a few around at some point. I think I just decided I want my own unique world.

Hope you try this out and immerse yourself in it, I feel like I'm a lonesome weirdo who plays like this.

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@Norfair thanks again, I've got no issue with sticking it on holiday through the night and then the next day during work so I may just do that, like I say though I think i will run England down to level 10/11 and all the top flight leagues in Europe + Brazil & Argentina on full detail (in an attempt to mitigate the issue @Ross Ingersoll describes above) for 20-30 years as an experiment.

Like I say though I will turn the max detail off when I start playing myself.  Who knows it may just turn out too slow that many years in. In which case i'll just put it down to experience

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I haven't gone too far in advance but I usually holiday to the actual date.

I am going to start a journeyman save with no badges or exp so I will holiday to the actual date and then play from there.

As an Everton fan, it will be interesting to see how long Ancelotti stays as manager before someone sweeps in.

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