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Defensive 433 narrow possesion system

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Hi all,

I am hoping for some advice on how to get this tactic working:


I have great defensive wingbacks and would like to utilize this in order to keep a rock solid defense. I also have quite slow strikers (more used to possession tactics?).

The composition of the midfield I am not sure about. 

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19 minutes ago, Corperate said:

Not scoring many goals

I am not an expert in "scoring many goals" (and btw it's relative what the term "many" may mean). I am rather a pragmatic type of manager. So I can only help you make the tactic well-balanced and logically set up. 


16 minutes ago, Corperate said:

Need to counter with no wingbacks on support to deliver crosses?

Sorry, but didn't really understand this question.

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You can't set the tactic up using wingbacks defend and hold shape as there is no one to provide crosses/ overlaps when teams defend deep. I have had better success with using counter attack option.

Any suggestions on how to improve the tactic would be welcome. Though is working quite well at the moment.



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4 minutes ago, Corperate said:

You can't set the tactic up using wingbacks defend and hold shape as there is no one to provide crosses/ overlaps when teams defend deep

Not just when teams (opposition) defend deep, but generally when you use a narrow formation you need your fullbacks/wing-backs in more attack-minded roles, simply because they are the only wide players in the whole system and hence supposed to support your attacking play in a more concrete fashion. If your fullbacks are not good enough to play in such manner (constantly bombing up and down the pitch), then you better do not use a narrow formation. NOTE: When I say "attack-minded" FBs/WBs, I do not necessarily mean playing them on attack duty, because roles such as WB on support and CWB on support are attack-minded even though they are not given an attack duty.

Another problem in your tactic (IMHO) - apart from the one-dimensional setup of roles and duties - is the use of needlessly too many instructions (tactical overkill) as well as a needlessly aggressive manner of defending.

Best tactics are in most cases simple and logical, so there is no need for overcomplication. 

I hope these couple of remarks can give you at least some basic idea(s) on what kind of changes you should make to get a more solid tactic overall. 

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Try turning your wingbacks to support duty to help supplement the attack and provide width. 

I'm using the same tactic but with F9s instead of DLF and a triangle midfield with a regista instead of a flat midfield. Also playing wide and slower tempo to keep possession. I have my defensive line playing standard instead of a high line to somewhat combat long balls over the top. 


I'm interested in how your team is defensively.

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