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FM 19 Striker not performing/scoring (03/04DB)

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On my 4th season using mad scientists DB, won league in first season as that arsenal team was unbelievable, Since then Henry has struggled for goals, sometimes going 3/4 games without scoring, I have not won the league since first season, we are 2nd now in the table after 9 games, defense is performing but Henry isn't banging them in, Robben was top scorer last season, Henry was a couple of goals behind, Kaka is performing amazingly at SS, so what in your opinion should i change, does an SS need a Support striker in front of him?


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10 hours ago, Redrummed said:



10 hours ago, Redrummed said:

what in your opinion should i change

I can only tell you what I personally would change in your tactic, which is based solely on my tactical approach and philosophy. Someone else may give you a very (if not even completely) different type of advice, which does not mean that another one is necessarily going to be wrong. It's your team and your tactic, therefore it's only up to you to decide which suggestions you want to follow and which ones you do not.

So here is how I would set up roles and duties:


Wat               TQ              IFsu


WBsu    BPDde  CDde  FBat


NOTE: Take the above setup with a pinch of salt, simply because I don't know your players attributes (although I can approximately assume at least some of them).

When it comes to instructions, I would definitely remove the tight marking, because that type of defensive instruction makes no sense - and is potentially also very risky - in this kind of tactical setup (both in relation to the formation and the overall tactical style).

In possession, I would not insist on the higher tempo. I don't say that you should never play with a (slightly) higher tempo. I just don't think it's necessary to be used all the time. 

Given the high quality of your players, an instruction worth considering - at least on an occasional basis if not as a regular one - is Work ball into box. Especially as this instruction tends to combine well with the Be more expressive (which you already use). 

These are the tweaks I would make first. Whether there should be a couple more - depends on what I would see happening on the pitch :brock:





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