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[suggestion] Allow players to have a super assistant manager


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Hey all - I had this idea years ago but can't remember if I ever posted it!

My idea is a training aid for new and existing players - a super assistant who has perfect stats. This person would be addable at the beginning of the game when creating a new player and would be loyal to the player, automatically moving with the manager to new clubs and never leaving for a new role.  However the player would be able to "retire" him / her if they felt they no longer needed them.

The purpose would be able to help players out, primarily with tactics. 1-0 up against a bigger team with 20mins left but unsure how to act to best contain your opponent? Ask your ass man who's the best ai manager in the game. What to design a new tactic and want some feedback? Ask your perfect ass man.

Obviously they wouldn't be infallible and get it right every time, but for me there is a very steep learning curve for football manager these days, and this aid could really help teach players how to design competent tactics and get good at the game, more effectively than the guides provided as it provides in game advice.

Thoughts / feedback welcome!

Edited by barsiem
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16 hours ago, FrazT said:

You currently have the ability to create a perfect assistant using the editor.  It would therefore be unlikely to be an option within the game without using the editor

Firstly, if you're a new player to the game, how likely are you to utilise the editor in this way?  Or even realise you could utilise the editor in this way?

Second, and more importantly, any personnel added / amended via the editor could and most likely would be poached by another club pretty quickly unless you used an in game editor to keep them with you.  Plus you couldn't easily take them with you if you change jobs.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I kind of see what you're getting at with having a "super assistant". I haven't seen it suggested yet, so maybe I should do so in a new thread, but I would like something similar, whereby you have your assistant who is deeply loyal to you (the kind who is your friend, who you have over with his family at Christmas or other holidays etc) and who believes in you. Then, if you move to another club, you have the option to bring him along (I know we can decide to bring staff from our previous club, but sometimes they don't want to move because they're happy there). And I mean he or she will come along with you for most of your career. Think Brian Clough and Peter Taylor back in the day, Sir Alex and Carlos Queiroz or Mourinho and Rui Faria who followed Jose all over Europe. Not just that, but even other staff members too. Just an idea.

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