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Isolated - Bought FM2020 :)

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So in Australia we will be at stage 3 for the epidemic soon enough and it seems I have sinus issues quite often. So thought since I have the money, why not buy FM2020!

in my top 3 purchases for 2020 so far! It did take me a while to set it up the way I want but I am now going strong in the first season. Thank you for FM2020!


PS - Don't put the Corona virus issue in any future editions! thanks.!

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Welcome to this crazy 2020 FM world! It is such a good game, sometimes a bit too in depth but it need only be as overwhelming as you let it be.

The beauty of FM is a release from the madness that is occuring outside those 4 walls and the FM game lets you escape that. 

Anyway, enjoy FM20!  



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13 hours ago, Brother Ben said:

A fine choice my friend, I’m gonna be nosey now and ask what your other 2 purchases were :D




But I have no doubt this top 3 list will change. but I wont be buying anything online outside of Australia as I would want it sooner rather than around 6 months later.

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