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[Suggestion] - Choosing the way to travel for away games.

Señor Dan

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It may be a bit difficult to implement, but it would be a good idea for visitor play trips (especially long trips) to have a greater effect:

1) Selection of transport type

This only happens in small clubs, for example poor clubs in South America (such as small teams in Peru or Uruguay), but it will be very good to implement it:

- Traveling by Bus
- Travel by plane (commercial trip)
- Travel by charter (private plane rented by the club)

Of course the big clubs (Man City, Man Ut, PSG ...) have their own rented plane
The game already calculates the distance between the cities, so it is easy to calculate travel times (1 hour for 50 miles if it is by bus, 1 hour for 640 miles if it is a plane -plus ++ 20 minutes of takeoff and landing , and a 50% plus for stopovers and delays if it is a commercial trip) and could also be made of costs times costs

BUS / TRAIN  ---- 50 miles by hour  ---- 0.75 euros per mile*
COMMERCIAL PLANE ---- 960 miles by  hour ---- 6.50 euros per mile*
LEASEDAIRCRAFT 640 miles by hour ----- 18.90 euros per mile *
* (the whole expedition)

This affects: the economy and the physical wear of the players. The more hours they are traveling the more they lose their physical form.

The directors of club with  poor economy will try to make the transfer cheaper (bus), while the clubs with high incomes will have no trouble renting the private plane.
As manager, your possibility would be to demand better travel options from the board in the already famous talks with the board.

2) Choice of players who will be traveling

Not all players make these trips, therefore, before the trip you should define who travels and who does not. This would affect the type of training those players would have (while the players travel they do not train, but the players who stayed at home can continue training or making their physical recovery).

Of course, it would be good to implement all of this for preseason games as well, especially when touring in foreign countries.


I think it would be interesting especially for those clubs that are very far from the cities they visit, for example, the Nacional of Madeira playing in the Portuguese League, or Las Palmas and Tenerife (teams from the Islas Canarias) in Spain. It would be clearer the extra difficulty of managing those teams.

Edited by Señor Dan
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I would like to see this feature. When players travel from England to Kazakhstan or from Uruguay to Venezuela, they should miss more practice days and shouldn't start the game at the same stamina level as if they were playing home. The financial aspect would be nice as well.

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Great idea!
Would be really nice and couple it with a map of countries/regions would be great.

However, it would completely make playing mods including lower leagues unplayable.
The ones i've tried the promotion/relegation are a complete mess.
I don't know if it's true but when i ask the creators of the mods they say there is nothing they can do about it, the game can't place teams in the right regional leagues.

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