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Impact of staff familiarity

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Problem statement: I've not played FM for donkeys. Just started with FM2020 and it's overwhelming compared to what I'm used to. Thus I feel like I need a good assistant manager to help me out whilst I'm getting up to speed.


I did a staff search by attributes and two geezas came up: Amador Adan and Tony McAndrew.

Adan has the attributes I'm looking for in an Ass Man. However his familiarity circle for the role is a low red. What does that mean? Does it mean he will do a worse job? Or just that he hasn't done the job before? Will an Ass Man contract help him improve? How long will it take to get him familiar?


I've added a screenshot of the search I did. Did I look for the right attributes?



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Assuming that the missing attributes from the screen shot are motivation and discipline I'd say that you've search for all the correct attributes. If the circle to which you are referring occurs in the staff roles in his profile this is an indication of the level of interest that he has in a particular role it is not a familiarity circle.




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Hovis you legend, thank you. So basically there isn't a stat that governs if this geeza would be a good Ass Man. It's just the actual attributes that I searched for, plus a few others that I was too dumb to include.

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