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More Technique Traits


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"Power Header Trait" could be added. So players who have the same heading stat, but one without the trait, will be easily differentiated. As I think the heading stat is based on accuracy, not on how far they could head or how hard they could head. Eg powerful downward headers/ powerful lofted headed clearances. As it'll be nice to see some of my defenders heading the ball clear more than 5 m away from my box lol.


Also a " likes to dip shots" or "likes to strike dead balls (knuckleballs)" trait will be great. Especially for players who have good long shots + technique. It may need a couple tweaks in the ME such as random movement of the ball or and random dips. Plus To keep them out keepers will need good decisions (gamble and try to catch it or cautiously parry it away so he doesn't fumble it), anticipation, handling and reflexes to stop them. 

Just some ideas...

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