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Player Movement (match simulation)

Really pleased that one on ones have been tweaked - so much better than earlier in the version. 2 other areas that IMO could do with some looking into (tweaking, addressing in future versions)

  • Crossing - never been quite sure why a player runs and runs and then instead of crossing in they stop, wait for the defender and then cross. I started to pay particular attention to this and there are are few things that spring to mind - 1) they have got there so quickly the other players haven't got there yet in which case I'd expect the slow (not a stop), maybe a drive to the byline and a different type of cross/pull back for the onrushing players, 2) the stop as they do but then either trying to beat the defender who has now closed them down (drop the shoulder, ball out of feet and a cross) or 3) stop as they do and a simple ball back to the supporting player - anything BUT the current stop, elongated foot backwards and kick it into the stationary defender
  • Marking on Counter Attacks - see quite often a player breaks down the wing and the players back off, back of, back off - the full back is caught up field, but the centre back never comes across (I assume for fear of leaving his man) and the player runs through without a challenge. I'd expect the CB to have to come across (not always successfully) and you'd hope his partner and the fullback on the other side coming across as a unit to pick up on the gaps - obviously I would expect and you see regularly the winger (or player breaking) finds the pass to his mate who is now in space
  • Striker Counter Attacks - I love it when the striker rolls the centre back on the half way line and gets a run through the pitch BUT so often they have that run level with the edge of the area width ways and from what I see NEVER cut in towards goal or check inside the player to stop them getting back or stopping and cutting inside once the player flies past them to open up the angle for a shot. They just seem to run in a straight line
  • Simple Balls / side to side passing - I tend to play a short passing game but so often my player will pass back and forth between two players to avoid a press but rarely is that player collecting and turning towards the next spare player (rather than playing it straight back to the player who gave it to them) or passing it across the back four to change the direction of play from the right to the left - I assume the lump inside is the games representation of a poor pass to allow counter attacks  but often that happens when there was a simple ball on as opposed to a wayward pass to a specific person which would make more sense
  • Passing - little triangles as is so prevalent these days but also quick one twos, passes off the side of the feet to the player next to you, little flicked passes into the box 
  • Less Selfishness - this will never be right but currently players don't seem to play in players in better positions than themselves in the box. Obviously this is linked to vision and other factors and players will always make wrong choices BUT they do make the right choices especially the further up the leagues you go so the winger running in flicking it inside for the striker instead of shooting (not always the right decision), the striker laying it off on the penalty spot and so on. Currently it just feels like players try to do a little too much themselves - especially when played in i.e. midfielder plays in the forward who has an option alongside them and rather than pass around the defender or goalkeeper they run/shoot and lose it - like I say tho its a balance because I know players do this!


In-Match Performance Feedback

I naturally have my opinions during a game of what is or isn't going well but it would be great if there were some in-game representation of performance against tactical instructions. For example I quite often feel my team is lethargic or not working hard enough despite the instructions I gave. I'd love to be able to see how the team and individuals are doing (not just their ratings which are governed by a combination of things) and be able to call them out either in game (work harder, pass shorter, track back more) or during half time / full time. Often times - especially when players are having a bad game - getting them back to doing the basics I expect would be a start

Half the time I have no idea when things don't go right how much of it was that the tactics / instructions I had in place were working / weren't vs would have if the players did more of what they were asked. Being able to see that yes the players adhered to what was asked of them would then allow me to start unpicking things better. Being able to point out to a player that they underperformed AND weren't adhering to my instructions hence they got hooked would be good too 

Linked I would also dearly like to be able to have the ability to say (i.e. when I am angry at a performance) that I don't expect any of them to complain about not being played/starting in the coming games as they were shocking today - especially relevant if you have players who want to be playing more but then don't turn in an acceptable performance (effort or ability) when given a chance


Half-time & in-match Shouts - link to tactical aspects

I have seen this debated before but I genuinely think the game would benefit from being able to amend tactics through verbal discussions with the players/team. For example in a game I don't think in terms of sliders I think about behaviour - I wish the midfielders would pass it shorter or hold onto it a fraction longer; I wish the defence would mark tighter or close that damn winger down before he can cross; I want the striker to stop running out to the wing and stay in the bloody box for example. The argument I agreed with when I saw this debated before is that a manager splits between motivation/admonishment and tactical changes but from Sunday league experience and watching documentaries/BTS stuff its always done verbally - right back- close your man down quicker, defensive midfielder come across and help your mate out, wide midfielder look for the through ball or beat you man and get the cross in early. Even team instructions are more verbal i.e. they are gonna come onto us so be switched on, step back 10 yards for the first 10 minutes and hold onto the ball. 

I feel like all the sliders are there but the delivery of the instructions in games should be more conversational and for me this would improve the experience considerably


Player Improvements

Linked to the above I'd also like to be able to get players to try to do specific actions rather than train traits - for example I might want my winger to try harder to get to the byline and cut it back, or I might want my deep-lying playmaker to be the pivot to receive and play one side or the other, or get my striker to do more to get across and in-front of his defender more. Being able to point to games where they didn't do that would be great as I am sure managers use their analysts to put together show reels for player improvements and I'd love to be able to get my analysts to compile examples of where they did the opposite of what I would like them to do as part of getting them to train on doing better


Post Game interaction

When the game ends I'd like the ability to highlight players I want to speak to privately either right then or the next day at training - largely to give them a dressing down or (linked to above) to provide them feedback on specific behaviours. I imagine this working in some kind of tick button to say I want to see them and then for the game to toggle between advice/my unhappiness some kind of pick why indicator. Ultimately sometimes I don't want to dress a player down in the dressing room - I want to be able to put an arm around them or just let things calm down slightly but whatever the reason I think its a missing element of post game interactions. Equally post game team reviews would be a great addition and a great way to bring in the analysis capabilities teams have


Player Interactions

On this theme there are a couple of things that have always struck me as slightly weird -

  • Players being disrespectful going "I'm sure you'll want me for something" at the end of a conversation - surely they would just say okay thanks boss even if that's what they were thinking. If a player said that to me they'd be in for some extra training until they learned respect
  • When disagreements occur i.e. my view of their performances etc - they might not agree but I need to be able to say (and they need to hear) that whatever they think its what I think that counts and even if they think they're doing 100% perfect they need to improve in my eyes or they won't be playing
  • Certain congratulations i.e. international caps, goals etc would be better if by text (as I am sure a lot of them are IRL) especially as the player will be away with the team and the manager not there - texts could be responded to with a quick cheers boss, or even ignored - which would be an interesting addition i.e. are you petty enough to call out a non-reply when the text you sent might have been received positively and improved your relationship even if not replied to?


Player contracts

  • Where is the assist / key contribution bonus?
  • When you have a large wage budget better UI for lower level contracts i.e. the drop down wage going fro £5 to £15k when you want to offer the player £1,000 so you have to hit the plus button rather than having contract related levels i.e 500, 1000, 1500 etc


Pre-Game Editor

  • Be able to mass edit player contract end dates / mass edit the year they end (to account for those in leagues with dec end dates not june
  • This might be wishful thinking BUT when DB updates happen some way of merging your custom database from the original to the new one by having a list of those affected by the DB update and accepting it or not - i.e. I might want the player to now be with their new club / players improved but I don't want that to overwrite the rest of the things I might have done to their record i.e. their history before the current seasons - some form of accepting just the things that have actually changed (club, club join date, current/potential ability, positions etc) rather than the whole record
  • On that note why don't DB updates come with the players as future transfers if starting at the beginning of the season or the game starting after the jan window if not?
  • Some changes to be save game compatible i.e. 1) emergence of a player mid-season = the ability to add them as a new player in the editor to come through in the next bunch of regens for that team 2) player history changes being reflected in the saved game


In-Game Editor

  • Structured transfers not just the whole amount or nothing
  • Edit transfer embargos
  • Mass Edit contract expiry
  • Split out country and club and person from the box recall i.e. if I edit favourite club then it should be clubs, favourite people should be people - not overlapped
  • Ability to edit player histories (pre-game editor capability) in game (accepting this would likely be pre the start of the game history or at best completed season histories)


Social Feed

  • Remember my preferences game to game (like other things i.e. set pieces seem to) so I don't have to continually do it
  • Remove and exclude i.e. leagues I don't care about I don't want to have to have them recommended next year
  • Option to auto follow or never follow based on actions (over and above other ways to follow i.e. shortlist)



While I am still a player who wants to control transfers in I have to admit the number of managers at top clubs doing this is reducing and some hand over of this to Directors of Football, Sporting Directors etc is more realistic. As such some of the following:

  • Not just a question of working with (interview questions) but the level of control you are willing to give up i.e I have to control everything, have to have the final say etc
  • More collaboration with that role i.e. the types of player you need (position and type), when you need them, where priority should be focused (positions, youth etc) in the coming transfer windows, feedback on the previous signings, dispensable vs indispensable players in the upcoming window - and these feed directly into the decisions made by them
  • Post window review / planning for the next window meetings to direct the efforts of scouts/analysts



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