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[Discussion] Match Preparation


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I would like to see the match preparation process streamlined and consolidated. I'm not exactly sure how it would look, but I think most of the elements I would like to see are already in the game. It would mainly be a matter of presentation.

Currently, you are prompted on a week by week basis (Mon-Sun) to set your training. Your scouting and analysts reports arrive the day after the previous match. On the day before your upcoming match, you received separate emails for selection recommendations, tactical advice and whether to trigger or delegate the tactical briefing meeting.
My proposal would be have a "Staff Meeting" or a "Team Meeting" the night of the preceding match or the next morning to put a "plan" in place for the next match. I would like to see a more integrated process where you could:

(1) Review the scouting and analyst reports

(2) Identify a starting lineup for the upcoming match (with staff recommendations)

(3) Make tactical adjustments that your team (with staff recommendations)

(4) Have the ability to adjust your training schedule heading into the next match (whether you need more match practice based on tactical changes, more focus on set pieces, etc).

(5) Delegate the whole process to your AssMan and maybe have the ability to "look ahead" beyond the next match to one further down the road.

Elements not in the game I would like to see:
(1) Would like to see more information that helps you make tactical tweaks. In the "Fact" part of Team Reports, it would be nice to be able to compare your defense to your opponents attackers (and vice versa). Other examples:
  • for defensive line compare your defenders pace, accel, positioning, marking, etc to their attackers pace, accel, off the ball (would also be nice to tie this information into opp instructions); 
  • for pressing intensity their composure concentration, and decisions;
  • get a sense of the opposing pressing intensity in either the scouting or analyst report.
(2) Have your physio/sports scientist give you an estimate of the physical condition on the next game day to help tailor training (accuracy of estimate based on quality of medical team)
(3) Have the ability to sit players out of the extra session in training. My thought would be starters could sit out when match congestion starts, but your reserves and younger players could get additional work.
Sorry if this has been a bit long winded, but given the state of the world I've been playing a lot of FM and have time on my hands.
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