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Unrealistic sacking

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Hello developers, I have encountered a game ruining problem, how can my team who finished an amazing 2nd in their first season be sacked after loosing only 2 games in their second season with only 8 matches played. Is this going to be addressed please, really pointless me continuing to play the game if it’s not.

Please find my screenshots attached, the first screenshot was season 1, the second screenshot was season 2 along with my sacking photos.

Thank you developers for taking the time to read my post.






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So I did a test with Everton, I purposely lost 16 games in a row and conceded 169 goals, the board did not raise and concerns and didn’t sack me.

Attached are screen shots of my formation and fixtures (goals against count) and also the board page.

Developers is this going to be corrected please?





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With the Tottenham save, it looks like the club vision is what is critical here and what you agreed to at the start of the season.  It also could be important what level of experience you set at the start of the game and the respect level from the players.

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Just to add about your Everton save- the game code is programmed to react to circumstances that are within the bounds of reality- not for example a 27-0 loss to Chelsea!  I suspect that the code cannot accurately react to data these extremes.

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Wow that is absolutely crazy! What i have noticed is that there are a lot of features and mechanics in this game that are pointless or broken simply because they lack context, it's like they just wanted to get as many "features" on mobile but did not build the rules properly hence what you experienced with the boards of Tottenham and Everton 

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Hi James,

I don’t have the save to send now unfortunately as it’s deleted I’m very sorry.

So since then James I tested out what would happen if I lost back to back games with Man City from the opening game of the season, and they only sacked me after my 24th straight loss, conceding 625 goals and scoring 16 in the process, so there’s a clear disconnection between the boards AI and a managers performance.

I have attached a screen shot.

James would it be possible to look into this please in general and then apply some sort of fair board to manager AI structure in a future update?

I really love this game and happy to donate a small donation to fix this issue.


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  • SI Staff

Just to clarify one thing - when a manager takes over a club they have a 'grace period' during which they have some slack associated with them, the level of this depends on their reputation in contrast to the club they join, the ambition of the club etc.

That being said both instances are outside of what would normally be expected in the game - if anyone has similar things happen then please send save games from just before the sacking to us and we'd appreciate the help in continuing to improve the game.


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Thank you for your response Marc, if it comes up again I will do.

Marc so at the beginning of my Tottenham save I chose ‘household name’ as I thought this would make the game more favourable towards me, but on reflection, do you think I should have selected (normal) local or unknown as the boards harshness in theory may then be lower?

Lastly, as I appreciate its late, does the in game editor allow you to lower the boards harshness, or should I say make them more lenient without compromising the club’s realistic expectations.

Thanks Marc

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  • SI Staff
On 15/04/2020 at 21:45, JohnyBruce said:

Thank you for your response Marc, if it comes up again I will do.

Marc so at the beginning of my Tottenham save I chose ‘household name’ as I thought this would make the game more favourable towards me, but on reflection, do you think I should have selected (normal) local or unknown as the boards harshness in theory may then be lower?

Lastly, as I appreciate its late, does the in game editor allow you to lower the boards harshness, or should I say make them more lenient without compromising the club’s realistic expectations.

Thanks Marc

Household will make you less sackable HOWEVER Spurs are a very big team, so really that is the 'normal' level they'd expect for a manager and to have a more 'solid' position I'd recommend being a 'superstar' ...

Being unknown is for people who really want a challenge and to have to win players over to them.

The editor doesn't allow access to this - there is a 'place on the board' unlockable which can prevent sackings (when you're on the board of a company you're hard to push out etc.).

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Hi Marc,

So I think I overlooked what led to my sacking, on reflexion it wasn’t just my 8th place position off of the back of a few draws and losses it was my finances, I had £0 left to spend and the yellow bar gage on the board screen was empty, so lots of cause for concern from all areas.

I have stated again and now in my 3rd season, all seems normal, plays well and I have no more concerns.

Sorry to end on a question mark, Marc, but I have just qualified (3rd season) out of my champions league group stage and 2nd and 3rd place according to the news have qualified from their group with myself in 1st place.

Are they talking about 3rd place qualifying for the UEFA cup.

Please find screenshots attached.

Cheers Marc




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Also Son has been our for about 8 months with damaged Cruciate Ligaments, has 3 weeks left and has just won Asian player of the year.

Anyway, sorry to bombard, it’s superficial, I don’t have the cloud either so can’t send my saves :(



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Hi Marc,

Please ignore my Bayern Munich qualification question, the last 16 draw was made and Bayern didn’t feature so have clearly gone to the UEFA cup as they naturally would.

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