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tactic advice please help

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I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on my tactic? I have been playing my 10 as a trequartista and someone suggested a SS might be better. I am struggling most with which roles to assign my CMs. I was also wondering if it would be better to play a 4-1-4-1 with a regista with an AP/BBM in front (or a Mez instead of BBM)? I find that I am just not scoring enough goals especially through the middle of the field. Most of the goals I score are headers by my IW off of shorter lobbed crosses. Honestly any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. 



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Similar to my tactics and instructions except I have generally attacking unless against a strong team it's balanced, and have a higher intensity, RE: The AMC thing, whatever I have that player training on his individual training and that is usually his natural (full green) position is, so this varies depending who plays, also right clicking and playing around with player instructions can help tweak the players proclivities if you think they aren't doing something right 

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Seeing this tactic I think your main concern would be defensive cover. 

Your formation is very top-heavy with a lot of players up front. On top of that your LB and RB are on attack duty so will also go forward, and a BPD on stopper duty will also make him leave his position, leaving the CD all by himself as a lone defender. Also no CM on defend duty, so they will also provide insufficient cover. Then you're telling your players to urgently press and counter-press. I'd be concerned about counter-attacks against you. 

So while that is very dangerous defensively, your attack may be suffering from it as well. All players are moving forward, and there's no one to receive a pass backwards when a forward pass isn't possible. 

Also your SS and DLF are already occupying the central attacking area, with a BBM also moving in there, and you're sending your wingers inside as well. You might want to create some width there. 

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13 hours ago, javanon said:

I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on my tactic?

1) I have been playing my 10 as a trequartista and someone suggested a SS might be better.

2) I am struggling most with which roles to assign my CMs.

3) I was also wondering if it would be better to play a 4-1-4-1 with a regista with an AP/BBM in front (or a Mez instead of BBM)?

4) I find that I am just not scoring enough goals especially through the middle of the field. Most of the goals I score are headers by my IW off of shorter lobbed crosses.

Honestly any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

1) Why would it be better? The two roles are completely different and thrive under completely different types of system. Such a change is quite drastic and I suggest you don't make it until you fully understand why you are doing it and how you are going to accommodate the change within your overall tactic. Preferably, you should base tactical changes on what you are observing in your games, pre-season is a good time to do this when the results aren't important.

2) In such a top heavy system your central midfield needs to be more defensive in nature. Having one of the players on the defend duty (preferably on the side with your more attacking minded fullback so they can provide cover) and the other on the support duty is a good idea. As the pair needs to be more defensive I wouldn't use a BBM as one of the 2 as you don't need another player running from deep to get into the box given you have 4 players ahead of him that will do that. It's also important that you choose players in the roles that have good defensive attributes (positioning, tackling etc.).

3) Again, why do you think it'd be better? What is the plan? How do you want your team to play?

4) Following on from @GianniM good post. The reason why you could be struggling to create in the central areas is because the play is so compressed in that area. Everyone except your fullbacks is tasked with attacking that zone of the pitch.

You need width to your attacks to open the vertical channels (spaces in between opposition central defenders and fullbacks) to give space for your players to attack centrally. It's important that the arrival of that width synchronizes with when you need it. In the system you posted, the width arrives later from your wide defenders, the problem is that your inverted wingers need that width BEFORE they perform their cutting in move so that they have the space cut into. You have tried to mitigate this somewhat by using the overlap TI but do you really want your AML/AMR attempting to hold up the ball while they wait for the overlap? To solve this you could try changing one of your wide AMs into a winger and make the fullback behind him more defensive.

You also need depth in your attacks to open up the horizontal channels (spaces in between the oppositions defensive line and midfielders). This is needed to give players in your AM strata space to operate in while also ensuring that you can recycle possession and sustain pressure on your opponent with your attacks. Without having a player hanging deep you not only lose the ability to retain possession effectively you also reduce the space the players you want to create and score your goals have to operate in.

Good luck

Edited by pheelf
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