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Is your 3d Running smoothly ?

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Smooth - super smooth no problems whatsoever

Average - Ok on the whole but jerky from time to time

Poor - Pretty much jerky all game

Woeful - Can't even get the blimmin thing to start

Not sure how to set up a poll but just interested to see how many of you guys are suffering.. or not...

As for me I have a good pc with a good graphics card and at best the 3d is average which is really frustrating.

My PC has a Core2Duo CPU, 1Gig of Ram, NVidea 6800 GT, and the frame rate is OK, but not great, so I would give it an average. The fact I can play anything on medium to high detail, from Fallout 3 to Gothic 3 and run 3D software with no problem on my machine, makes me think the engine is the issue here. And for the lack of detail on screen, that is not acceptable at the professional level.:thdn: Even Indies have better engine and better graphics.

Lucky for them, the managing part is SO impressive, that it get people hooked.:thup:

For next year I would concentrate on the graphics and presentation take a good look at the competition and fix the bugs. Oh, and drop the $hi##y copy protection, maybe?

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Average, the players run on the spot for a few seconds every so often. Its something that I've got used to now.

I don't know if upgrading my graphics card will work or not. If I know for sure that it would help then I can easily do that. The rest of my PC is within the recommended spec, the graphics card is just on the edge.

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I have checked with Fraps, and I get between 55 and 59 FPS, no matter which settings I choose, exactly the same with low and with high details. Also, forcing VSync ON didn't help at all.

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well with my specs if i had problems i would seriously question the game. But no, takes about 4 seconds to set up the match and run it in high detail with no jerks in the graphics at all. However i have just upgraded from a 1.6Ghz 1Gb ram and Geforce 5500 FX video card to a quadcore rated 6.2ghz with 4gb ram and a Geforce GTX 260 graphics card so i have played this game on the former mentioned pc and yes, it was very hard to watch 3D so i stuck with 2d

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it takes a few moments to start up just so the game can get the bits on the screen bit by bit which I dont mind. But during game play it's a lil jerky but I am more than happy with it, seeing hwo I can clearly see the goal celebrations. Aguero did a timmy cahill goal celebration very recently. Was stoked by seeing that.

Also another 1 of my strikers did an alan shearer celebration, 1 arm/hand in the air running towards the fans smiling from ear to ear

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