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Staff Advice

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When setting up a team I'd like to see how people deal with the staff advice in game. I know a lot of people don't use any of it, or so it seems from this forum, but I like to think it adds a bit to the realism.

Anyway, under the Responsibilities > Staff section I'm interested in the following:-

Advice & reports

  • Player reports
    • Under Player Development, would you prioritise the Judging Potential or Youth attribute?
    • What attributes do you look for when wanting Player Reports? The same as above?
    • What about Youth Development Info and Loan Feedback? Is there a difference it what attributes are required for staff to report on this correctly?
  • Misc
    • Under Tactical, is it more important to have a good Tactical Coaching or Tactical Knowledge attribute?
    • Training reports, do you ask the best all round coach to deliver these?
    • The Backroom Team advice section doesn't show Judging Staff Ability attribute, surely this is more important than Judging Player Ability or Potential when we're looking at staff?

Under the Scouting section:-

  • Meetings
    • Should this just be dealt with by your best scout?

In Training:-

  • Who should lead training? Your best all round coach, or those with the best JA and JP ratings?


  • Who should deliver Tactical Briefings? Your best motivator, man manager, or those with the best Tactical Coaching or Knowledge?
  • Who should deliver Opposition Instructions? Those with the best Tactical Coaching or the best Tactical Knowledge?

I know there may be no absolute right and wrong answers with some of these questions, but it'd be interesting for me to see what people usually do if they don't take on all the responsibilities themselves.

Also, not sure if GD is the best place for this so if it needs to be moved then apologies. :)


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