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Improve balance between leagues and extremely hard brexit


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I would like to have more balance among european leagues, not having English teams, top 3 in Spain and PSG buying every promising player  I also would like to modify the Brexit so that English team have a limit in buying foreign playes. Could you please explain me how to do it? 

I don't want to change dramatically reputation of leagues and teams, but adjust it and find a way to adjust incomes and tendency to spend money of all the teams. I miss the times when we had Steaua Bucarest and Red Star Belgrade able to win the European Champions Cup.

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Remove the Bosman rule and put a strict foreigner rule for every single one of the 55 European countries. It wouldn't help too much with the difference in revenue, youth rating or quality in facilities and training though, but it's better than nothing. You could also check this thread out.

Edited by BMNJohn
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