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[FM20] Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale !


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One last update about my spreadsheets before i start updating about my first season :

I created the same calculation view in my shortlist.

I had one problem, i couldn't delete the 'information column' so if i export a lot of information with (ctrl+p / webpage) and try to copy paste this into my excel, i have a problem because there is one extra column.

I fixed this by adding an extra tab only for prospect calculation and inserted the first column ..


Important to know is that i need all the attributes , so almost 100% knowledge. Can't do this with numbers like '10-14' for pace etc.. then i'll get errors.

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 Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale !

Season 1 - September - October 2019

Continued the good sequence but also first defeat(s).


We continued our good series but against Lens (the number 1 against number 2, there was more to gain. Lens played 30 minutes with 10 but we failed to score). Against Sochaux ( unfairly lost ) and against Orleans suddenly nothing worked out.


Libero and Île de France born Ousmane Kanté is the player of the (last two) months. He scored an important goal against Nancy and already scored 3 goals as Libero.

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On 20/05/2020 at 23:50, Jogo Bonito said:

Incredible approach to your time in Paris, with all that data, analysis and effort you deserve any/every success you get.

Thanks :) Much more to come, also in terms of transfers and player progression.

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Upgraded 'trophy room and tracksystem'

Added average dna, overall attributes, average roles to this list. I also want to track my personalities and show the best rated player each season. I have a different youth intake tracking system.

I hope i can show u that soon. Please give me feedback.


Also added the amount of players from île de France in Les Bleus.

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1 minute ago, karanhsingh said:

Great stuff :thup: 

How is DNA calculated? 


My preferred attributes for each role AND the most important attributes they need to play my tactic / my football. Everything is calculated and the average is what u see on my screens .

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7 minutes ago, Jogo Bonito said:

Your analysis is way too complicated for a simple soul like me, but very interesting ideas that smarter people will love :)

No no it's not that hard Jogo Bonito :) i'll explain in detail after my youth intake etc.

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 Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale !

Season 1 - November- December 2019

Good results give me an unexpected position!



Satisfied that i'm progressing in 'La Coupe de France' . Nîmes was (ligue 1) much too strong in 'Coupe de la ligue ' .

The last game against struggling Lorient was bad. I would have been winter champion.. For the rest very satisfied.On to a good second part of the season.



Player of last two months Jeremy Ménez scored an important goal at Guingamp and provided many assists.

Preview squad - transfer plans season 2


The Balance is sinking heavily and money is starting to run out. I gambled in the beginning by extending the contract of some important players (Menez, Yohou) and by attracting expensive player Tabanou. If I promote, everything looks fine (and now that I am in a good position, I want to stay there) . If I don't promote , it will be a tough 2nd season. Five players are at the end of the loan and 3 players (including Sarr ) don't want to extend . At the moment i can't pre-sign any of my transfer prospects.


Edit : able to extend one of the three squad players, Mandouki.


I'll post about every played month instead of two months.

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great start dude! Love the calculators and the statistic analyses. A bit of a "moneybal" approach :cool: Hopefully your gamble pays off. How is the club's balance looking? Promotion can change the future of the club rapidly...

Best of luck for the rest of the season!


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9 minutes ago, OlivierL said:

True ! they are doing a terrible job this season.. but unfortunately not against me :(

I'm sure you will do well...since your future finances depend on it. 

I have a similar problem in Clermont except I can't promote any higher...but staying up in Ligue1 is going to be a chore with my lot.

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5 minutes ago, Hootieleece said:

I'm sure you will do well...since your future finances depend on it. 

I have a similar problem in Clermont except I can't promote any higher...but staying up in Ligue1 is going to be a chore with my lot.

If u get into the Europa or Champions league once, all your short term problems are gone :):) good luck

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 Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale !

Season 1 - January 2020

A good cup month


A good win against Lille gave me a nice fixture against Lyon in La Coupe de France. For both matches there were 6500 spectators, 3000 more than our average in ligue 2.


With the cancelled match against Niort, I might have been the leader of ligue 2.
There are seven matches coming up in February, a very decisive month.


Player of the month : Alvin Arrondel. Free transfer from the PSG academy. Scoring goals and providing assists as a right wingback for free.

Lorient bought my assistant manager Stéphane Gilli at the end of December for 225k. I can't afford a good replacement so I had to promote a coach internally , Erwin Vandenbergh  . He has a better personalty but not an ideal assistant for training , so I have to leave the general training (individual and mentoring etc I arrange myself) to my Hoyd Jean-Luc Ruty .

I have some transfer targets that i want to sign before their contract finishes, but suddenly my scouts have stopped scouting all the other players. No more scouting budget, no more scouting package available ? I have never experienced this before but of course I have been playing saves with youth only for years.

 Youth intake preview looks ok. In March we will know more and I will introduce my youth tracker method.



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16 minutes ago, karanhsingh said:

The scouting thing happens to me often as well when the finances are dire - if you have any money left in your transfer budget you can move that to the scouting budget though and enable it again. 

I don't :( u can Loan 5 players in Ligue 2 (and Ligue 1) so i can improve my squad with loans if it's necessary .

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@OlivierL: Your Assistant Coach that Lorient poached looks good. I am going to look him up in my save for future employment in Clermont.

You are doing a fine job. Since you have so many matches in February. Make sure you use Recovery Practice Sessions after each match. Also I like to follow the recovery up with a Team bonding session after home matches and Community Relations after Away matches.

Also don't let your General training lead put any Match Practice sessions in. You can override him.


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4 hours ago, Jogo Bonito said:

A good start, and a nice signing of the ex-PSG defender (great value). Lorient seem to have it in for you in more ways than one.

Thanks , yes he was one of the players from a bunch of trialist players at the start of the game.

1 hour ago, RageMaster said:

Love the concept of this, and has been great reading. Keep up the good work. 


40 minutes ago, Hootieleece said:

@OlivierL: Your Assistant Coach that Lorient poached looks good. I am going to look him up in my save for future employment in Clermont.

You are doing a fine job. Since you have so many matches in February. Make sure you use Recovery Practice Sessions after each match. Also I like to follow the recovery up with a Team bonding session after home matches and Community Relations after Away matches.

Also don't let your General training lead put any Match Practice sessions in. You can override him.


He was a good assistant , he prefers to coach a team that fights against relegation :(;)

Thanks for the tip . most of the time i give the starting eleven , two days of rest when the schedule is hard. We'll see . I'll check the community relations stuff. Thanks.



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 Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale !

Season 1 - February 2020

Not the best month..


A few bad results with a late conceded goal against Clermont @Hootieleece damn you ! :)

Our best wingback Tabanou was out for the whole month . Libero Kanté scored his 6th goal , not bad !

Caen is the best team. Guingamp sinks further and further away and Lorient is still at a relegation spot. @Jogo Bonito

In March i have to play against Lens(away), Sochaux (home), Orléans(away) and Ajaccio(home). Money time !


Best player this month is Vincent Koziello. Loanie and important central midfielder, gave a lot of assists this month.

Next month / update: Youth intake - tracker time. I going to explain in detail what i'm going to do and what i did at IR (Iceland) .

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On 26/05/2020 at 12:32, karanhsingh said:

Looks like 2nd place will be going down to the wire! Best of luck for the run-in

It is ! i have to play two more games in March and i'm waiting for my first intake.. post with all the details and calculation is ready but the information / intake is not :) 

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7 minutes ago, OlivierL said:

It is ! i have to play two more games in March and i'm waiting for my first intake.. post with all the details and calculation is ready but the information / intake is not :) 

LOL I think we are all looking forward to it 

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 Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale !

Season 1 - Class 2020 - Youth intake

Youth calculator !


This is my youth intake view with my DNA attributes and the basis information i need.

This is my youth calculation file. Not the best intake and in normal saves i would only sign two or three players(only neutral or positive personality). Because i'm lacking youth and want to do a development experience/tracking i'm going to sign 11.

  • I added tags to all the players (born in ïle de France = IDF , not born in IDF = YT. 
  • Peronalities are split in positive, neutral or negative personalities.
  • DNA Attributes are the most important attributes for my tactic - style of play . Below u can find the average of this intake.
  • Technical - Mental and Physical attributes are all the attributes for each section , below the averages.
  • The next column 'TOT' = average of the technical  - mental and physical attributes.
  • I'll rank them and the best ones are signed.
  • The next columns are the specific average for the most important attributes for that role.
  • Last column is the best score / role and below the average of the best scores.

Signed players :

Dubois - Seddiki - Fabre - Lallement - Couturier - Dhaouadi - Debole - Samson - Buisset - Blanchard - Vergez

Lallemant looks promising , maybe i'll retrain him as a Pressing forward. Fabre has potential. Couturier and Dhaoudi looks ok but lack personality.

Region Île de France:


7 of the 11 eleven signed youth players are from the correct region.

Youth tracker !

I'll put all information about each class so i can compare them.


Here i'll post the top 10 youth intake players that are still at the club. Only one youth intake so 10 of the first 11 intakers are on this list. I'll update their the progress of the top ten , every season. PA and CA added to this view.

  • I'll show their old and new DNA, overall and beste role average . Growth will be shown in % and i'll update the value and team(A - B - Youth team).

I'll post , after every youth intake , the best developed players .This can become a totally different list than the top 10 with best youth intake ratings.


I'll also post the best EX Youth (or young ) players that left our club. Every player that leaves the club will be added to a shortlist.


Big update, more to come.. please ask questions if something is not clear.

I want to thank @_Ben_ , @ToMexico!!, @keeper#1 and @Mikaelinho because their topics are a great inspiration and allowed me to update my already active excel files. And the great posts in the general thread from @Jimbokav1971 about special topics .

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 Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale !

Season 1 - Process tracker

Lamine Diaby Fadiga

I'm going to show you the process of a few players. Fadiga is the best (and maybe the only at moment) talent in the Paris FC squad.


This is fadiga in 6/2019 at the start of this save.


This is Fadiga in march 2020.


He improved +0.36( on 20) overall and his best role improved with 0.6(the role he's retraining on). DNA average also improved with 0.27 . I'm happy with his progress.  His CA and PA also improved.



  • He started up front in 18 games.
  • No personality change but he has a positive personalty so i was hoping he could develop into a good player.
  • Individual focus for Fadiga was on the 'aerial' attributes. He improved at Heading and Bravery so that is ok. I'll hope he'll improve further .


I'll post about a few players every season and not only the good developers, also the bad examples...

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Looks amazing and very detailed! Do you use copy paste for the calculation of the progress of Fadiga or do you use the all time progress view in FM? How do you know what attributes are responsible for changing the personality?

The quality of the intake will rise if more money is put in without a doubt.

Best of luck in the first season! 

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12 hours ago, Hootieleece said:

Ambitious undertaking in tracking youth. Best of luck.

9 hours ago, keeper#1 said:

It's fun to watch the youth intakes slowly improve over time.  Things can really pick up after you make those first big sales and invest the money into the club infrastructure.

Thanks, i hope i can improve everything soon,

6 hours ago, ToMexico!! said:

I wish I had the patience, time, ability and thought process to go into such detail for my youth intakes, will follow with interest in how they fair in the future. :thup:

Thank you. the file is ready now and only a copy paste. Posting about it and replacing the regen faces was far more time-consuming :( .

5 minutes ago, stefaanpeeraer said:

Looks amazing and very detailed! Do you use copy paste for the calculation of the progress of Fadiga or do you use the all time progress view in FM? How do you know what attributes are responsible for changing the personality?

The quality of the intake will rise if more money is put in without a doubt.

Best of luck in the first season! 

I copy paste the current attributes and compare / paste it below the attributes i copy pasted at the start of the season.

A few attributes are important for a personalty upgrade but i think it all starts with mentoring ?

Thanks :)

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2 minutes ago, OlivierL said:

I copy paste the current attributes and compare / paste it below the attributes i copy pasted at the start of the season.

A few attributes are important for a personalty upgrade but i think it all starts with mentoring ?

Thanks :)

Yes i agree, the mentoring is important for this. 

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As there is no scouting budget I have to be creative with all the youth intakes at clubs from Île de France. Normally I would scout all new players and try to map them out but now I don't succeed. I have made a trial proposal to all players (including PSG, Red start etc). In total there are thirty players on trial. This way I can map their attributes and if they don't get a contract from their club, I can get a young player for free.



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5 hours ago, OlivierL said:


Season 1 - Process tracker

Lamine Diaby Fadiga

I'm going to show you the process of a few players. Fadiga is the best (and maybe the only at moment) talent in the Paris FC squad.is is fadiga in 6/2019 at the start of this save.

his is Fadiga in march 2020.


He improved +0.36( on 20) overall and his best role improved with 0.6(the role he's retraining on). DNA average also improved with 0.27 . I'm happy with his progress.  His CA and PA also improved.



  • He started up front in 18 games.
  • No personality change but he has a positive personalty so i was hoping he could develop into a good player.
  • Individual focus for Fadiga was on the 'aerial' attributes. He improved at Heading and Bravery so that is ok. I'll hope he'll improve further .

I'll post about a few players every season and not only the good developers, also the bad examples...

Good to see he is doing well! Did he also have good performances on the pitch? 

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 Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale !

Season 1 - March 2020

Four key games - key month !

 A red card with 0-1 lead against Lens wasted the opening game of March. two good wins against the nr 2 Sochaux and play-off candidate Ajaccio , keeps me in the race for the top 2(automatic promotion) and playoffs

8 more games, most of them against teams below mid-table.


Just like last month, Vincent Koziello is the best player of March. I will miss him because loaning him again seems to be going to be very difficult.


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19 hours ago, OlivierL said:

 Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale !

Season 1 - Youth intake

Youth calculator !


This is my youth intake view with my DNA attributes and the basis information i need.

This is my youth calculation file. Not the best intake and in normal saves i would only sign two or three players(only neutral or positive personality). Because i'm lacking youth and want to do a development experience/tracking i'm going to sign 11.

  • I added tags to all the players (born in ïle de France = IDF , not born in IDF = YT. 
  • Peronalities are split in positive, neutral or negative personalities.
  • DNA Attributes are the most important attributes for my tactic - style of play . Below u can find the average of this intake.
  • Technical - Mental and Physical attributes are all the attributes for each section , below the averages.
  • The next column 'TOT' = average of the technical  - mental and physical attributes.
  • I'll rank them and the best ones are signed.
  • The next columns are the specific average for the most important attributes for that role.
  • Last column is the best score / role and below the average of the best scores.

Signed players :

Dubois - Seddiki - Fabre - Lallement - Couturier - Dhaouadi - Debole - Samson - Buisset - Blanchard - Vergez

Lallemant looks promising , maybe i'll retrain him as a Poaching forward. Fabre has potential. Couturier and Dhaoudi looks ok but lack personality.

Region Île de France:


7 of the 11 eleven signed youth players are from the correct region.

Youth tracker !

I'll put all information about each class so i can compare them.


Here i'll post the top 10 youth intake players that are still at the club. Only one youth intake so 10 of the first 11 intakers are on this list. I'll update their the progress of the top ten , every season. PA and CA added to this view.

  • I'll show their old and new DNA, overall and beste role average . Growth will be shown in % and i'll update the value and team(A - B - Youth team).

I'll post , after every youth intake , the best developed players .This can become a totally different list than the top 10 with best youth intake ratings.


I'll also post the best EX Youth (or young ) players that left our club. Every player that leaves the club will be added to a shortlist.


Big update, more to come.. please ask questions if something is not clear.

I want to thank @_Ben_ , @ToMexico!!, @keeper#1 and @Mikaelinho because their topics are a great inspiration and allowed me to update my already active excel files. And the great posts in the general thread from @Jimbokav1971 about special topics .

Great work. As you've probably already figured out, this is straight up my alley! I'm looking forward to seeing how Lallement progresses!

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18 minutes ago, Mikaelinho said:

Great work. As you've probably already figured out, this is straight up my alley! I'm looking forward to seeing how Lallement progresses!

Thanks ! i'll post about him every season, and about many others :) keep up your work in your topic, thanks for the inspiration.

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7 hours ago, karanhsingh said:

Good to see he is doing well! Did he also have good performances on the pitch? 

He was my main targetman till the winterbreak, then Sarr took his place but since march he is back in the squad. with 4 games to go he scored 9 in 21 starts and provided 3 assists.

3 hours ago, Jogo Bonito said:

Doing very well with Paris, keep it going :)

thanks , almost the end of the season and it's going good.

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 Island of France - Une Ambition Capitale !

Season 1 - April 2020

First place is up for grabs but very tense.


Playoffs secured after the Guingamp win ..


Could it be any more thrilling? I really hope to finish in the top two now, if you're that close to it at this stage of the competition. 

  • Caen : Niorth (h) - Valenciennes (a) - Le Mans (a)
  • Paris FC : Lorient (h) - Troyes (a) - Le Havre (h)
  • Sochaux : Grenoble(h) - Guingamp(a) - Rodez(h)
  • Lens : Guingamp(h) - Rodez (a) - Lorient(h)


Romain Armand was the best player in April , scoring a hattrick at Chambly . He 14 league goals as a pressing forward.


Rennais win La Coupe de France two times in a row !

It could be a great first season but our balance sheet worries me, we are now below 0 and I have no money to do anything about contract renewals or free transfers.


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9 hours ago, OlivierL said:

As there is no scouting budget I have to be creative with all the youth intakes at clubs from Île de France. Normally I would scout all new players and try to map them out but now I don't succeed. I have made a trial proposal to all players (including PSG, Red start etc). In total there are thirty players on trial. This way I can map their attributes and if they don't get a contract from their club, I can get a young player for free.



I'm trying to steal a few players but they all received long term contracts at their clubs. The two best are from PSG (Husser and Mangin ) and would cost me +- 1.2 milj.. I was able to calculate everything now and :

Mheyaoui and Pinault could be signed for +- 40k from Mantes and Entente SSG but i don't have the money. The yellow players (and Pinault) will be tracked for the future.


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