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Please revamp Coaching / Training?


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I made this exact post in r/footballmanagergames and was suggested to post it here directly. I'd actually forgotten all about the SI Forums if I'm perfectly honest!

Reddit Thread where I originally posted this idea.

So anyway, here goes...

Please, please, please for the love of God, can we revamp the coaching and training?

I've been playing since the original edition of Football Manager in the 2004/05 season. Before this, I had every edition of Championship Manager. So, I've seen many features come and over that time. Only once have Sports Interactive introduced an engaging coaching and training system, that was FM10.

FM10's training system was so elegant, effective and engaging. All players were assigned to a general training schedule.

You created a new schedule, dragged a slider to set intensity for Strength/Aerobic/Defending/Attacking training etc… and as you increased each slider had a Workload Intensity bar which increased with the added workload.

You could create several schedules and assign attacking players to the more attack oriented schedule, defenders to a defending oriented schedule, players returning from injury to a lighter workload and this was all created and assigned by you the player. It was so simple and elegant.

Over the subsequent years, this has been revamped, added to and become the current system that is too detailed oriented and for me isn't anywhere near as engaging.

So, Here's my suggestions of how we can upgrade this area game for the better!

On arrival at any new club, we have our meeting with a board member where you get a "Club History, Your team report, Best XIs, Transfer obligations, Club Vision, blah blah blah" as always.

Then... At this point.

Instead of being introduced to your Assistant Manager, can we have a proper Coaching Team Meeting?

On initially joining a new club, this would be staff introductions where you can review who you have on board, advise them of your tactical approach, and assign the staff to their coaching duties (Attacking Tactical, Attacking Technical, Fitness Strength, etc) with your tactics and their suitability in mind.

This would likely bring staff’s own preferred formations and tactical styles in to play, possibly causing friction where you and your staff’s alignments do not match up, or alternatively, over time staff could develop to align to your style. Adding a whole new dynamic to the game! Managing backroom staff is just as important as managing the playing personnel.

For me, this would go on to be a Weekly or Monthly Coaching Review, and would play out just like board meetings. There would be interactions with each staff member at this meeting. It would essentially be sitting round a table with your coaching staff reviewing the previous month and setting points/training and performance targets for the upcoming week or month of fixtures.

Your staff would highlight key areas of concern, injury reviews, any development or plateauing amongst your players, bring your attention to a key run of games and such. Your responses would alter the coming month’s training schedule.

To round up... The current training system as it is in FM20 has become to convoluted and has detail oriented that it completely misses the mark. It's become a bit of click-and-hope-for-the-best.


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