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Sneak Peak into FM 2009 Scout Framework for .Net


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Willing to give you any insight in the upcoming release of the 'FM 2009 Scout Framework'; an open framework for .Net, which can be used to develop custom Scout / Edit applications. Should be up within a week, or maybe two. Main goal was to create a ready-to-use assembly, containing the data structure, and all the interfaces to communicate with the FM Process.

Note, this is NOT a scouting utility, nor is it a edit utility! It is a framework which can be used by other developers to query the FM Ingame database

Main features:

* Uses ingame database, like MCFM etc.

* Allows reading and writing to the ingame database

* Easily accessible through one assembly

* Allowance of using LinQ

First screenshots:

Querying the database to show all the countries available in the top 10 of the FIFA Rating list


The result:


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I have been dreaming about this for so long. I have never found the time to look into the old open source (2004?) version and update it to the current. But since you have done all the hard work I can't hardly wait.

This is easily the most important development in the Football Manger integration there has been. I predict a MASSIVE influx of third party tools in the coming months.


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Very good DrBernhard!

But Vs2005? It could be compatible with VS2008 versions, express too. But it's not a problem, because who wants convert the project.

I can help you in this project, if you want.. I sent a PM to you..


Assembly will be in .Net 2.0 and can therefore be loaded in both VS 2005 and VS 2008. Currently no help is needed, the source code will most likely be published for anyone to use and customize, allowing you to modify the complete framework to your needs.

Will this be easily portable to OS X?

Guess not, I have no clue about the memory structure in OS X, nor with Mono under OSX.

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