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Do background leagues help?

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Three years into my save on FM19, I decided to have a look at some Polish clubs to see how their squads have changed in those three years. So I am not actually running the Polish league (not in background either), but I'm also not running the French ligue, and yet for some reason, none of the Polish clubs seem to have made any transfers in those 3 years. Their squads looked almost the same as when I started, except for perhaps having a few young players brought into them from youth teams. I mentioned the French league, as I am not running that (not in background mode either) and those teams have bold and sold many players, as they should have. Does FM just ignore little teams from little countries and cause them not to be active in transfers? Does it help to have them in as a background league and does that slow down the experience much, as it does to add more leagues in full?

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Aaaah. So the lower the reputation of these leagues/clubs, the less transfer activity they have, unless you have the leagues loaded.

Can I confirm if having them as a background league helps in that respect, and does having a lot of background leagues slow your game down as much as having full leagues loaded?

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