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What does "Standard" mean in the tactical section?

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Standard is kind of like the balanced setting. For example, if you’re playing on a Balanced mentality and you have your width set to standard, this will be a happy medium between wide and narrow. However, if you change your mentality to Positive and keep your width as Standard, it will still be a medium between wide and narrow but it will be slightly wider than standard width under a balanced mentality as they’re incremental changes. Basically, the more attacking you go, the wider your standard width will be. The more defensive your mentality, the more narrow your standard width will be. 

Also, if you played an attacking, or very attacking mentality, and set your width to narrow, it wouldn’t be as narrow as it would be if your mentality was set to a more defensive mentality. The same would apply to setting your width to wide under a defensive mentality, it wouldn’t be as wide as it would be under an attacking mentality.

The same logic applies to all other settings too.

Edited by TheGoodRebel
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27 minutes ago, TheGoodRebel said:

Estándar es algo así como la configuración equilibrada. Por ejemplo, si estás jugando con una mentalidad equilibrada y tienes tu ancho establecido en estándar, este será un medio feliz entre ancho y estrecho. Sin embargo, si cambia su mentalidad a Positiva y mantiene su ancho como Estándar, seguirá siendo un medio entre ancho y estrecho, pero será ligeramente más ancho que el ancho estándar bajo una mentalidad equilibrada, ya que son cambios incrementales. Básicamente, cuanto más ataque ataques, más ancho será tu ancho estándar. Cuanto más defensiva sea tu mentalidad, más estrecho será tu ancho estándar. 

Además, si jugaste una mentalidad de ataque o muy atacante, y estableciste tu ancho en estrecho, no sería tan estrecho como lo sería si tu mentalidad se configurara en una mentalidad más defensiva. Lo mismo se aplicaría a establecer su ancho en ancho bajo una mentalidad defensiva, no sería tan ancho como lo sería bajo una mentalidad de ataque.

La misma lógica se aplica a todas las demás configuraciones también.

Which means sometimes its narrow or fairly wide. ?

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19 minutes ago, Gastofm said:

Which means sometimes its narrow or fairly wide. ?

Not as such...

As far as I’m aware the tactic creator works within a certain framework. The “Standard” width setting isn’t just one setting. There are slightly wider and slightly narrower variations of the standard width which are determined by the mentality you select. So the higher the mentality, the closer to the threshold before the width is classed as wide. In order to play “wide” you will need to select wide. But the standard width with an attacking mentality will be wider than the standard width of balanced, or positive mentality settings.

Think of it a bit like what happens with your defensive line. When you have a defensive line of standard and a mentality of balanced the defensive line will be slightly lower than it would be with a positive mentality. The settings work hand in hand and incrementally. 

Edited by TheGoodRebel
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9 minutes ago, TheGoodRebel said:

No como tal ...

Hasta donde yo sé, el creador de la táctica funciona dentro de cierto marco. La configuración de ancho "Estándar" no es solo una configuración. Hay variaciones un poco más anchas y un poco más estrechas del ancho estándar que están determinadas por la mentalidad que seleccione. Entonces, cuanto mayor es la mentalidad, más cerca del umbral antes del ancho se clasifica como ancho. Para jugar "ancho", deberá seleccionar ancho. Pero el ancho estándar con una mentalidad de ataque será más amplio que el ancho estándar de la mentalidad equilibrada o positiva.


In other words, the "Standard" varies from mentality. A "balanced" mentality is going to be an average between width and center, and the more offensive it is, the more it opens up, and the more defensive it is, the narrower it is. True?

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4 minutes ago, Gastofm said:


In other words, the "Standard" varies from mentality. A "balanced" mentality is going to be an average between width and center, and the more offensive it is, the more it opens up, and the more defensive it is, the narrower it is. True?

Yep, that's pretty much it :)

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