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Manchester United's Youth Players

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I've realised that Man Utd have a really exciting generation coming through, with several players having potential to break into the first team. I want to discuss with people on these forums about how to get the best out of these guys, and hopefully, somebody has tried the same thing before so can give first hand advice. I know that the best way to go about this would be to just jump in myself. But my laptop is pretty slow, and i'd feel like i'd have wasted my time if I get 2-3 seasons in and find that my ideas were'nt really viable.

BTW, I'm currently playing FM19, but I believe that all these players have kept on the same development trajectory.

Here are the players that I want to build the team around:

  • Angel Gomes
    • image.thumb.png.1b8c7dd00b5eb129b12cfc4343821265.png
    • I see him playing in a kind of 'messi' role, where the team has to carry him defensively, but we can look to him with his flair + passing + dribbling to provide the bit of magic. He will be the main attacking creator of the team
    • Even though his natural position is at CAM, I'm reluctant to play him in the central crowded area due to his abysmal strength + balance which is never going to rise to a good enough level.
    • I'm thinking maybe a Trequartista on the right attacking side, as he has sufficent 'speed' attributes to play on the wing. 
  • Rashford
    • image.thumb.png.19f0cf9439dec639ed147790fae5fccc.png
    • I think his combination of Pace + dribbling can make him very effective as a left attacking inside forward
  • Mason Greenwood
    • image.thumb.png.2a7b014cf262866f75f61e07fec22eaa.png
    • With his finishing + composure, he can be a really clinical striker. 
    • I will likely play him as an AFa, due to his dribbling + technique + flair making him more than just a poacher.
    • Even though he will massivley improve due to only being 16, I'm reluctant to play him as a support duty as his passing and vision and teamwork will never be as good as his ability to get in behind the defence and finish
  • James Garner
    • image.thumb.png.5293d80a9bbafa8675401367e8252ba6.png
    • I see him playing the 'Carrick' role. He is a very good passer and can anticipate very well as well as position himself in the right place. He can be a both an anchor, and someone to help calmly progress the ball
    • I think he could work very well paired with a 'Naingolan' sort of player, who can provide the aggression and tackling, while Garner holds position and covers

There's also a few others who look to be good players, such as Chong and Dalot, but these 4 are the ones that I want to build the team around.

One idea I had to accomodate the front 3 as well as a DM was the 4123 below.


I think the roles in this formation suit the players really well, but I'm not sure how well they link together. I know that a lone striker as an attack duty is always a worry in case he gets islolated, but maybe the trequartista would move narrow enough to provide good support? I'm not sure as I've never used it before. Another problem with this would be having 3 attack duties in the forward line that will probably not track back enough, putting a lot of pressure on the midfield 3. Another issue may be Greenwood and Rashford getting in each other's way...

With the third CM, I’m thinking of using a MEZs, as this could also provide a link to greenwood and help reduce the isolation.

The other option to use that wouldn't have to involve retraining positions would be the diamond.


In this case I see Rashford playing an 'Henry' role, with the instruction to stay wider. Where he moves wide to pick up the ball before dribbling back to the centre. I think that it's pretty essential in this formation for Gomes to be a trequartista, as I said earlier that I can't see him performing well in the hole without roaming due to his poor strength and balance. IMO he needs to pick up the ball away from traffic, on the wing, or deep in midfield to be effective

These are the 2 ideas I have so far, feel free to critique.

In terms of instrunctions, again I'm not too sure. I would like to play out of defence, as I think that Garner would be very good at this. I also wouldn't like the keeper hitting long balls as our forwards aren't the best in the air. I think that 'pass into space' could be good as that can give Greenwood and Rashford the chance to use there pace to run onto through balls. I'm not sure about pressing either, I don't think that we want to press really intensely, as Gomes doesn't have the workrate for it - maybe a midblock would be best, as it would also give us better opertunities to use our pace on the counter.

How would you guys get these players playing well together? 

Another team I'm interested in doing a youth development save would be Chelsea, but I won't write about that here as I think I have some solid ideas for a Chelsea save. But again, if anyone as tried the same thing before, with Utd or chelsea then I would like to hear how you've done it.





Edited by Jack722
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From personal experience on FM19, I played a 4-3-3 with a Trequartista and Inside Forward, both on Attack duties, flanking a Complete Forward - Support. This was Lyon, with Moussa Dembélé who, similarly to Greenwood, wouldn't necessarily seem creative enough. However it worked quite well, he had direct traits such as Likes To Beat Offside Trap that saw him hit consistent 20+ goal seasons. So don't exclude the option of playing him (Greenwood) on a Su duty in the long run, although obviously with his current capabilities you wouldn't want to give him much responsibility.

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I didn't use them at Utd on FM19 but managed them at various times to get Gomes, Chong, Garner, Gribbin and Greenwood when playing as Salford in a flat 4141DM.


Gomes was awesome as a left sided inverted winger given a lot of freedom to do what he wanted. He ended up improving a lot 

Garner was the DLP(D) and just recycled the ball all day, super consistent and became club captain.


Greenwood played as a CF(s) as well and Treq in the forward spot. He developed really well but Utd activated his buy back clause. He seemed to play better as the Treq, tended to be equal for goals and assists. Really helped the attack function. 

Chong was a bit meh, could never really get him to work well for me. Gribbin played as a CM(a) and functioned as an attacking playmaker without the ball magnet role and worked pretty well but again lost him before I had chance to really go through development.

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I've attempted something similar on both FM19 and FM20. Here's my final squad on FM19 may give you an indication of who can come good. 

I definitely recommend Axel Tuanzebe as one of your CBs. Laird and McTominay have been excellent for me on FM20 but should still be serviceable on FM19




Edited by Spiegel
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Would be nice if you could get a 4-4-2 with wingers going. To mimic SAF as much as possible. The Diamond and the 4-3-3 can be kept too ofc :thup:

really urging to start a United save my self now.

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