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The small stories that make the game

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As a returning FM player, last played 17, it's not until I dived in did I remember all the small details I had been missing that make this game so immersive.

I'm currently on a golden run with York City, from the Northern to the Championship at the moment.

In the National I bought two young centre backs, Akin Odimayo and Timi Odusina and had wanted them to develop together. By pure chance they're both Nigerian nationality, not planned just they were the two best options in that window.

I'm so pleased with the results!

Both are still first choice in the Championship. Both are each others best mates.

And the thing that makes me smile every time it happens for the loveliest of details in the game, is whenever one is mentioned in the press or I praise one of them, they BOTH react to it. Every time.

It's the kind of realistic fist bump relationship you'll never see in other games. Makes this kind of tiny club to major force game that much more interesting, realistic and entertaining.

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What's this??  A positive thread in the general discussion forum??!!! Madness  :D

Nice little story that, the little touches like that can go unnoticed these days and I remember people asking on these forums years ago for that type of thing to be implemented, so it proves SI do listen

Anyway, I Just posted the below in another thread but it would be a shame not to post it in such a positive thread as this.  I was talking about my memories of Championship Manager 1 and saying that I loved how you could speed up the game by holding down the spacebar, it felt like you were involved more somehow.

Also the drama of the commentary was amazing

"he's through on goal"

"he slides it past the keeper"

(at this point you'd be on your feet ready to punch the air for what felt like an age)

"its gone wide"

Arrrgghhh!! :D

Great times :)



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