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I give up

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I'm sorry but this game is unplayable

Players ignoring every instruction

My team's crosses are blocked every time. Players always stops before attempting to cross. The opponent seems to get in every cross ( true the legs and they also managed to cross while running towards the byline )

Set pieces is a disaster. I have the tallest team in the league, but are the worst team on defending set pieces. You could be 2 inches tall and still score on a set piece against us.

You need to many clear cut chances to score a goal, while your opponent seems to score on every chance

Defenders are all over the place. Not tracking players. Moves up the pitch when a long ball is coming, leaving the striker in on a CCC.


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You need to visit the tactics forum https://community.sigames.com/forum/19-tactics-training-strategies-discussion/

It's not unplayable, but there are things you can do to turn the tables. 

I remember playing Football Manager early on, and I signed Ibrahimovic, and a few other quality players - couldn't hit the side of bus. Useless and I was frustrated too.

But going through tactics and formations helped a lot. 


All in all - don't give up - hit up the tactics forum and find out what you can do better to make the game more enjoyable.

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Betting some money that the opposition chance conversion situation isn't near as severe, unless he would field nobody protecting the d-line and/or has his centre backs on man marking duty, with them visibly dragged across the pitch due to such.

He won't work that out though by looking exclusively at the matches where he had at all conceded a goal. That's same as Pep logging in to Whoscored.com  and exclusively Looking at the Matches where he struggled… which he won't do. He knows that he's always coming against defensive opponents pegged back into their half, so whenever they score at all, it will be off few shots by definition.


Edited by Svenc
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Much is fixed over time by familiarity with the tactic and comfort playing in the selected roles I find, consistency is key. 

Some of what you mention is engine limitations as well, things are happening in the background, but the animations are lacking / not there to reflect on screen so some you must fill in yourself in your head. 

My biggest recommend though when your tactics are seemingly feeling useless and you are frustrated is to download some other players tactics, hit the steam workshop and see which ones close to the style you want are highly rated / shown to be successful. Test them out, what have they done to achieve what you are wanting to? Many times it can be a case of knowing how to express your wants to the game using the instructions available, it is not always as it may look to you.

Try out others tactics, learn why things work for them and how they have instructed the game to make this happen, take from them and use what they have done well to build your own tactics, there's no shame in it!

If everything fails, take over Darlington, choose 4-4-2 and smash balls forward at every opportunity with get stuck in turned on. Have at it. Have some fun!

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