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How do you get your team to win more tackles?

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So I've been going through team stats on my Derby save, 1st season and I've noticed that although we do win 88% percent of our overall tackles on average we don't seem to attempt that many.
Our defense is rubbish, although we have many clean sheets, when we do concede we concede loads sometimes.
I've compared it to the top tackling teams in the EPL, Ligue 1 and La Liga and this is what I've found out in this "little research" on a smallish scale:

- the top teams in EPL, Ligue 1 and La Liga seem to top the charts for tackles won
- in the Championship it's the bottom teams of the table that are topping the Tackles won stats
- in the Championship the teams around the top of the table in this save rank the lowest for Tackles won

See screenshots attached.

Any idea why this might be?
Is the Championship contrast down to league quality difference to the other top leagues?
How does one get their team to be tackling so much? - I mean look at the Charlton and Huddersfield number of tackles!
Is this simply down to the type of players we have?- Are they lacking Aggression, Bravery, Work Rate etc? 
I feel if I could solve this we would be in a much better place in the table than 4th.
Have you been in a similar situation with your saves before where you had this issue with tackling? - How did you solve it?
If I'm still at Derby next season I'l try to bring in a few players with high Aggression, Bravery, Work Rate etc but I'm looking for a short term fix to improve our defending.
Any tips/ideas/advice is appreciated.

tackles won.png

Edited by Ronaldinho Gaúcho 10
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Aggression does help with their natural inclination to want to perform a tackle. Bravery, as far as I know, impacts whether or not they will make the decision to make a tackle if it could cause potential injury, but worth it to the team. Composure and decisions usually factor into a lot of tense situations, and I'm sure it goes into whether or not a player *should* attempt the tackle. There's also personality to take into account. Players with high dirtiness will be more inclined to riskier tackles which cause fouls, whereas one with high sportsmanship would do their best to avoid such situations. Players with low temperament and/or pressure can become out of control quickly, and, while they might try and tackle a lot, can do so very dangerously.

On that note, I'd suggest picking a captain with a personality that matches your risk vs. reward calculation in this matter, as their mentality in the game seems to directly impact how your other players play. Once I picked a captain with a "resolute" personality and like 17 leadership. Didn't check his media handling, which ended up being "volatile". First game I tell the boys to go grab a win, and like 20 minutes in the other team gets a goal. This guy flips his top and by half time the team was "enraged", "furious", or "nervous", and we had 2 red cards. I even had "stay on feet" selected, but the captain had totally lost his mind and pretty much the entire team followed suit.

But, anyways, you can always go to the player instructions, and set pressing intensity to higher levels on whatever positions can be increased. Telling them to get stuck in will, of course, increase the number of tackles they attempt - though those tackles are necessarily more risky. If you teach a player with high tackling the skill "dives into tackles", they will usually make those tackles more often, somewhat more safely, and more effectively. Players with high acceleration and pace are more likely to be able to get into position to make the tackle, and those with higher strength are more likely to succeed in the challenge.

If you really want to roughhouse a team, turn some big fullbacks into defensive wingers, giant centers with good tackling into target men and pressing forwards, etc etc. I did build a team like that one time in FM19. They weren't particularly brilliant at scoring, but the other teams had a lot less of a chance.

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@DementedHammer our possession is 55% average which is 4th best in the league. I do agree with what you said though it's not strictly down to that as majority of "top/sub top" teams seem to have high possession too as well as high amount of tackles won.

@Prepper_Jack Yeah personality attributes definitely is something I'll have to keep checking with my players to make sure I've got the right player for the job. 

Captain Personality - that's an interesting point! I didn't know this and will defo do some experimenting with my captains in the future. Currently I haven't got many great leaders in the side but that's work in progress. 

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