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Reserve players stuck on holiday and not training

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Hi FM mobile gurus. My reserve players have been stuck in end of season break since I started this save (I’m on the second season). This means they don’t train. It also applies if I loan a player from another team’s reserves, and they go into my first team. They remain in end of season break even then and deteriorate through lack of training. 
it’s annoying because I can’t develop players unless they’re in the first team squad. 
Any suggestions?



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Hi @Louie Silvani   
I'm on the same save, 3 seasons in. Still the same problem, all reserves on end of season break and not training or improving. Also, none of my reserve team on permanent holiday ever get loaned out either. It’s like they don’t exist until I move them to the first team squad. 
any solutions?!?


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On 22/07/2020 at 12:57, dompeppe said:

Hi @Louie Silvani   
I'm on the same save, 3 seasons in. Still the same problem, all reserves on end of season break and not training or improving. Also, none of my reserve team on permanent holiday ever get loaned out either. It’s like they don’t exist until I move them to the first team squad. 
any solutions?!?



Sorry to hear this is still the case. 

As with before, this is an issue being looked at by our dev team, but I don't have a timeframe on it being fixed unfortunately. 

It is largely an issue with B teams that are being affected. When you move your own reserve players to your first team that will help avoid the issue as you say. 



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