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Met my doppelganger, didn't go well.

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Playing 4-2-3-1 wide, tactical style control possession, pressing high and hard.  Opponent was playing the exact same formation, and it became pretty obvious that he was pressing hard too.  What to do?  

I tried dropping back and playing a direct counter attack style, thinking to hit them over the top.  It...didn't go according to plan.  Ended up losing 3-0 with 3 sucker punches after switching to attacking wing play to chase a result.

What do you do if you encounter the exact same formation and style?

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I had that happen against Spurs in the League Cup in 2022: counter-attack, 4-1-4-1 vs their similar counter-attack 4-1-3-2.

Neutral ground and a cup final, so maybe different than a standard league match, but I went attacking vs their positive and stuffed them. It was my best win against a strong side. Agree with the blinked first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Exploit their pressing with fast direct balls over the top, good passers and fast advanced forward/inside forwards, that or try and play them at their own game but then whoever has the better technical players will probably win

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