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Fix registered players Squad Numbers limited between 1 to 25


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I want to play with a club in the Romanian Second League, but unfortunately there is an immersion-breaking bug that limits the assigned squad numbers for registered players to 1-25 (IRL it's 1-99). In past versions when there was a registration limit for a division it took into account the players, not limiting the chosen squad numbers - this is what I would like to know if it's possible to fix via the Editor. I don't want to change any other rules, just allow numbers between 1-99 (instead of just 1-25).

Can anyone tell me if it's possible and what I would need to do in the Editor to do this ?


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Does the competition have a 25 player limit?

I saw a 1-11 rule in one of my edits once, but can't find it right now. The combination of the 1-11 rule plus a player limit could be your problem and my assumption is removing the 1-11 could help you out.

If I could find it :mad:

Edit: found something else that could help you. There is an option that can set the highest allowed squad number. so you could set both squad limit (say 25) and highest allowed squad number (say 99), but I want to see that 1-11 rule as well, because I know for sure I spotted it somewhere.

Btw, the highest allowed squad number is under Advanced Rules >> Fixture Rules. If you create Romania in Advanced Rules, there is a little bug in it though, check out the Advanced Rules for that one.

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1 hour ago, Wolf_pd said:

Edit: found something else that could help you. There is an option that can set the highest allowed squad number. so you could set both squad limit (say 25) and highest allowed squad number (say 99), but I want to see that 1-11 rule as well, because I know for sure I spotted it somewhere.

Btw, the highest allowed squad number is under Advanced Rules >> Fixture Rules. If you create Romania in Advanced Rules, there is a little bug in it though, check out the Advanced Rules for that one.

Yes, I just found out about this, but I never used Advanced Rules before so I'm not sure that I'm doing things right. Basically I chose Add Nation Rules, picked Romania and went with the Add Lower Dvision, then converted to Advanced Rules to check the options there. For the Fist Division the option is ticked: max. 25 squad, max. number 99; for the Second Division - the one I want to play in, it's not - so I suppose that could be the issue. I'll try activate that and use the same registration date as the First Division, hope it doesn't break anything.

What bug is that you mentioned ?

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Thanks, I'll have a look at it when I get home.

Or maybe another solution would be to export the unverified file as .xml ?

Since basically the only change is the checkbox allowing squad numbers up to 99 and I don't touch any other rules do you think that might work basically as the default database ? I believe the .xml can be manually edited to appear as verified thus allowing it to be used in the game ?

Or even with the default database that error would be popping up in the second season ?

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4 horas atrás, Jebedaias disse:

Thanks, I'll have a look at it when I get home.

Or maybe another solution would be to export the unverified file as .xml ?

Since basically the only change is the checkbox allowing squad numbers up to 99 and I don't touch any other rules do you think that might work basically as the default database ? I believe the .xml can be manually edited to appear as verified thus allowing it to be used in the game ?

Or even with the default database that error would be popping up in the second season ?

This is true.

If you do that, i advice to run a test first.

I have a slow laptop and in this way i check my files when i´m editing.

Edited by cleiria
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18 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

The file in this thread might help you


Interesting, I just looked at this in the Editor, all leagues verified. I'm also trying to edit version 20.1 since I like to start with the original rosters from the beginning of the season. Only thing that differs from the updated database seems that in the Romanian Second League there are 20 teams for the current season (IRL one of the clubs, Daco-Getica, has withdrawn and that's why for 2019/2020 version there are 19 teams only).

So basically if I would like to use this to fix the squad number issue without any other rule changes all I'd have to do is remove your edits ? Or are there hidden rules that have been modified and they don't show ? I only see a couple of club name changes and some changes regarding transfer prefences, is that all ?

LE: Ah, I see now that you wanted to re-create a historic league, lots of new rules there that don't appear right away in the changelog... so I'm not sure if I could use this is a template. Guess imma have to stick with the 25 number limit...

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One other thing I want to ask: in case I want to go with the unverified .xml file, what exactly would I need to edit to trick the game into thinking it's verified ? Just change the "verf" attribute from "false" to "true" ?

Nevermind - I did that, file appears verified and can be selected, but then on the next screen the entire league option in the game setup screen is blank, dropdown and everything, can't select the tiers or anything. Back to the drawing board...


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2 hours ago, Jebedaias said:

Interesting, I just looked at this in the Editor, all leagues verified. I'm also trying to edit version 20.1 since I like to start with the original rosters from the beginning of the season. Only thing that differs from the updated database seems that in the Romanian Second League there are 20 teams for the current season (IRL one of the clubs, Daco-Getica, has withdrawn and that's why for 2019/2020 version there are 19 teams only).

So basically if I would like to use this to fix the squad number issue without any other rule changes all I'd have to do is remove your edits ? Or are there hidden rules that have been modified and they don't show ? I only see a couple of club name changes and some changes regarding transfer prefences, is that all ?

LE: Ah, I see now that you wanted to re-create a historic league, lots of new rules there that don't appear right away in the changelog... so I'm not sure if I could use this is a template. Guess imma have to stick with the 25 number limit...

Yeah, this was part of the Iron Curtain mod, so there are some edits for foreign players and such. I can see if I can redo it without the IC-edits.

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Wow, thank you, will try it and see what happens. Thanks again !

LE: Tried it in the Editor, with the team you added there are actually 21 teams now for Liga II, when I removed that team I got an error again at verification that there are only 19 teams in August 2019 (facepalm).

Ok, imma stick with the numbers 1 to 25, this is beyond me now.

LE2: Think I finally figured it out... what happened in the Romanian Second League is that Daco-Getica has withdrawn due to financial issues around October - November, having already played up to that point, so the league has indeed started with 20 teams, but SI decided to make this situation sepparate for this season with their database specific for 2019 vs default.

For the default competition, they have set it to the normal 20 teams, but apparently there is another rule specifically for Daco-Getica where the game is instructed to IGNORE the team, so they're at the same time in the league and also not really. Since I removed your added team, the league did indeed show 20 teams, but I think because of that sepparate rule it failed, registering only 19. After I found and deleted it the file's now verified. Too tired now and work tomorrow, but will run a holiday mode for a couple of seasons to see how it plays out in the actual game.

Thanks again for the file, Advance Rules are a pain, this was really helpful !

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57 minutes ago, Jebedaias said:

Wow, thank you, will try it and see what happens. Thanks again !

LE: Tried it in the Editor, with the team you added there are actually 21 teams now for Liga II, when I removed that team I got an error again at verification that there are only 19 teams in August 2019 (facepalm).

Ok, imma stick with the numbers 1 to 25, this is beyond me now.


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1 minute ago, Wolf_pd said:


Yeah, I could not really get it either, but check my post above, edited - seems I found out what the issue was eventually. But damn these Advanced Rules are like some sort of a puzzle...

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And yes, I second your opinion on Advanced Rules.

I have to see what I did different in my first edit. Maybe I edited the 2019 versions which then doesn't have that silly rule.

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I don't really know either, I removed the extra team you added because the league was showing 21 teams (if you search for it by the league name in the Competitions section and go to the Teams subsection), but because of the rule to ignore Daco-Getica it was getting verified.

Anyway, I plan to start with database 20.1 because I like to have the original roster from the season start anyway and Daco-Getica was technically part of it (shame they withdrawn, but I could go with them in the game rather than a random team to fill to league).

Should be fine now, but damn why would it be simple when it can be complicated :p



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Small update on this... this file posted above can be verified and works in the game, BUT... squad registration and match selection rules for the Romanian Second League are now changed even though as far as I can tell in the Editor they are EXACTLY THE SAME as the default database. This is truly unexplainable...






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  • 2 months later...

I've been having the same issue with the Premier League where I could only assign players the numbers 1-25 with the custom nation rules I'm currently using.

In the editor I went to the fixture rules for the Premier League and I ticked the "Squad Number Rules Flag" box. I then selected "Allow Any Squad Numbers" and it fixed the issue.

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