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Hi Rashidi!

I need your help. My formation is 4-3-2-1. My team plays aggressive and wide, but I want from my AML and AMR more movement. What I mean, take a look on our typical position in possession:


My DLF drops deep, dragging opponent defenders from their positions, but no one can exploit in, because IF and Winger too far away from him and from penalty area.

I want from my IF(a) and Winger(s) , without the ball to move inside of penalty area, transforming in something like this:


4-3-2-1 should convert into 4-3-3 in possession. What TI/PI should I use? First what comes to mind it's to play very narrow, but it will force to all my players stay narrow. This is what I want only from my wide players. Ty.

Edited by narkidarki
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@narkidarki thats a question that will take a long time to answer, can you start a thread on the forums and begin by suggesting what kind of formation you would go for in the game. That way its a lot better in the long run as you yourself are going to be building it and people can help yuou along the way

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If a fullback playing as an 'Inverted Wingback' has the ppm "runs wide with ball", which instruction will take priority? The role one of "cut inside with ball" or the individual players ppm?

And would the same apply for a wingback/complete wingback with the ppm "cuts inside from 'x' flank"? 

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I would like to ask a question. What is the difference in the playing style between using an advance forward and a pressing forward in attack given that the roles and duties of the other positions keeping the same (so do the instructions)?

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