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Two suggestions - Swapping with unmanned positions & tagged notes


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Hi there, I have two suggestions request that I believe would improve enjoyment.

1. Being able to have players swap with an unmanned position rather than solely with another player. For example right now I can make 2 players swap positions at points in the match. I would like the option to make a player do the same but with an unmanned position for example start the game with 2 x SC but have one of the strikers randomly swap to be an IF

2. I'd love to be able to tag a quick note on a player that shows up as an icon. Eg a player is a yellow away from suspension, a quick right click and tag note would mean that on every screen the players name appears there is an information icon or asterisk or something to show there is an active note.


Hope those are clear, and thanks as always, for listening

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1. So hard to code such a feature. Will take around a year or two to do it right; for such a single instruction.

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