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Halving points after league split


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I am trying to create a fantasy NBA-league with 32 teams (the 30 NBA teams + Seattle and Las Vegas). The set-up I have is each team playing each other once (31 games), after which the league is split into two groups of 16, who then again play each other once. The top 8 teams go into a standard playoff to determine who wins the title. 

What I haven't been able to do though, is halving the points at the league split, in order to put every team back closer to each other again.

This is the setup in the main competition:


And this is the setup in both stages after the split:


Here is a link to the database: https://www.mediafire.com/file/m5gcmbuu48jddru/3NBA.fmf/file

Still need to change quite some things, but trying to get the league running correctly first. Hopefully someone can help me with this, would be really appreciated.

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