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[FM20] The Grand Tour II


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So firstly some bad news. I had a bit of an issue with Football Manager 2020 after a windows update, and I accidentally deleted most of the my saved games trying to fix the issue. So I deleted my King of Europa II save, amongst others, which is very annoying. However it has allowed me to return to a previous concept for a save The Grand Tour.

The Node Map


Our First Connections


Concept of the Save

This save is one I have done before. It used to go by the name of “Club Legend” and I did the first “Grand Tour” for FM19 but the principle is to start in a random country and then move around the world by a world map that has interconnected nodes. We then move around trying to hit as many countries as possible around the world. 

Rules Set

We are going to be starting with Petro de Luanda (assigned from Pick a Team for me) in Angola (randomly drawn from a random number generator (which is crazy because that's where Club Legend started as well)) and we will go with our avatar, badgeless, experienceless Octavio Rocha.

We must spend a minimum of 4 full seasons in that country, we can only move on once we have secured at least 1 domestic title. 

We are allowed to move clubs domestically as much as we like, but we cannot move to another country before we have completed the target.

If we are revisiting a country by some quirk of the attached road map, we must spend 2 seasons (full or partial) in that country, but are not required to win the league or any other trophy as we should have done that the first time we visited.

The only leagues loaded are the ones the country that we are managing in are connected to. When we move we must change the leagues loaded to reflect the new connections.

Since this is a downloaded database for all the other countries. I am expecting bugs galore, so if there is a game breaking bug in the league we arrive in. I can choose to skip the country.

Our Manager



Meet Octavio Rocha and we are the starting point of his career .We got pretty lucky to draw one of the big boys of Angolan football, that should help us make a name for ourselves nice and early.

Career Summary


Countries Managed In (7)

Angola-xs.gif.39bcea1c4f9096c8ee1e4c48ba10363d.gif Angola Namibia-xs.gif.c57ac4f4d8cdf4ef0b626343ed1b1f58.gif Namibia Botswana-xs.gif.b8e34cf45dd0d05022ee057a0f11e8a2.gif Botswana South-Africa-xs.gif.cb9e74e804510a2ce182402f228be5ef.gif South Africa Lesotho-xs.gif.4b4f90b7735acbff532306407c60b120.gif Lesotho Swaziland-xs.gif.744d0ee773a3de121d82d027d77ba30c.gif eSwatini Mozambique-xs.gif.55ac6bd352d91169950dae18c551ec64.gif Mozambique

Teams Managed (7)

74.png.651f81652ff367f289b5568df9f965fe.png Petro de Luanda (Angola) (1st July 2019 - 14th May 2023)

5341470.png.46e075e7320ae6b21379ad41d1ccb67a.png Eleven Arrows (Namibia) (19th June 2023 - 3rd June 2027)

12015951.png.3bcb029ded9d5b6430e36069633a6127.png Gaborone United (Botswana) (5th November 2027 - 8th March 2032)

130770.png.a114e1a278428031254ac25b03ec92a7.png Bloemfontein Celtic (South Africa) (1st July 2032 - 29th May 2036)

5625286.png.7fa88671b1d928269660ba6c416265eb.pngRoma Rovers (Lesotho) (21st July 2036 - 17th May 2040)

12015860.png.adfd414acd1c40fa7b458c73107da45e.png Umbelelele Jomo Cosmos (eSwatini) (21st June 2040 - 15th May 2044)

5340959.png.78d54a77ca47ee4391ddde627c73ccda.png Ferroviario de Maputo (Mozambique) (12th June 2044 - Present)

Trophies (76)

Angola - 4 x 12034515.png.7e04e94b977a91fe4748c52f56c4ecaf.png Girabola - 74.png.651f81652ff367f289b5568df9f965fe.png Petro de Luanda (2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23)

Angola - 4 x 12034576.png.9e4b35f494520153b9f738d40645782b.png Supertaca de Angola - 74.png.651f81652ff367f289b5568df9f965fe.png Petro de Luanda (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)

Angola - 3 x 12034548.png.f0a869abeaf874eff0f2271b7b4c8668.png Taca de Angola - 74.png.651f81652ff367f289b5568df9f965fe.png Petro de Luanda (2020, 2021, 2023)

Africa - 4 x 127299.png.5931eac307a0ef09f2c5648c3a8524d9.png Orange CAF Champions League - 74.png.651f81652ff367f289b5568df9f965fe.png Petro de Luanda (2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23), 130770.png.a114e1a278428031254ac25b03ec92a7.png Bloemfontein Celtic (2034/35)

Africa - 3 x 131273.png.33c2d564645271537331a1df3742a5d9.png Orange CAF Super Cup - 74.png.651f81652ff367f289b5568df9f965fe.png Petro de Luanda (2021, 2022), 130770.png.a114e1a278428031254ac25b03ec92a7.png Bloemfontein Celtic (2035)

Namibia - 4 x 13211697.png.921c3a5cd49dca8f01d4ee8b770ec24c.png Namibian Premier League - 5341470.png.46e075e7320ae6b21379ad41d1ccb67a.png Eleven Arrows (2023/24, 2024/25, 2025/26, 2026/27)

Namibia - 3 x 13213419.png.e9c137ed80ad5179123fec12e3d97e58.png Namibian Newspaper Cup - 5341470.png.46e075e7320ae6b21379ad41d1ccb67a.png Eleven Arrows (2024, 2025, 2027)

Namibia - 2 x 13213419.png.e9c137ed80ad5179123fec12e3d97e58.png Standard Bank Top 8 Cup - 5341470.png.46e075e7320ae6b21379ad41d1ccb67a.png Eleven Arrows (2026, 2027)

Botswana - 4 x 13211659.png.ca1192113b5e1579981e38b659c5243c.png Botswanan Premier Division - 12015951.png.3bcb029ded9d5b6430e36069633a6127.png Gaborone United (2028/29, 2029/30, 2030/31, 2031/32)

Botswana - 3 x 13211660.png.22e142d10967309420119b09c3dcf7d6.png Botswanan Cup - 12015951.png.3bcb029ded9d5b6430e36069633a6127.png Gaborone United (2030, 2031, 2032)

Botswana - 2 x 13211955.png.4000fad83a7d90f99c281262bb5ecbca.png Botswanan Top 8 Cup - 12015951.png.3bcb029ded9d5b6430e36069633a6127.png Gaborone United (2031, 2032)

South Africa - 2 x 136516.png.7f46bbd81fd7b31ee6fce05b90bb91dd.png MTN 8 - 130770.png.a114e1a278428031254ac25b03ec92a7.png Bloemfontein Celtic (2032, 2035)

South Africa - 3 x 136517.png.0d6b7c9d111ecaccf20fadc0d1508fdc.png Telekom Knockout - 130770.png.a114e1a278428031254ac25b03ec92a7.png Bloemfontein Celtic (2033, 2034, 2035)

South Africa - 2 x 131234.png.b20f517ec5322b1819c7a54a5fa12565.png ABSA Premiership - 130770.png.a114e1a278428031254ac25b03ec92a7.png Bloemfontein Celtic (2033/34, 2035/36)

South Africa - 2 x 146958.png.e9b704c2ad8dbf9a607fd6ebc60c9748.png Nedbank Cup - 130770.png.a114e1a278428031254ac25b03ec92a7.png Bloemfontein Celtic (2035, 2036)

Lesotho - 4 x 13211643.png.07df30c336931a14e78fc2b4fda1bd22.png Econet Premier League - 5625286.png.7fa88671b1d928269660ba6c416265eb.pngRoma Rovers (2036/37, 2037/38, 2038/39, 2039/40)

Lesotho - 2 x 13211644.png.4756ca392cd32648e78745d6dcea0f1b.png Lesothoan Cup - 5625286.png.7fa88671b1d928269660ba6c416265eb.pngRoma Rovers (2037, 2039)

eSwatini - 4 x 13211721.png.76c7fed6e6c736141c9421bbcb17ca32.png MTN Premier League - 12015860.png.adfd414acd1c40fa7b458c73107da45e.png Umbelebele Jomo Cosmos (2040/41, 2041/42, 2042/43, 2043/44)

eSwatini - 3 x 13211722.png.88c50cacadfbf8738e902268c970df0a.png Swazi Bank Cup - 12015860.png.adfd414acd1c40fa7b458c73107da45e.png Umbelebele Jomo Cosmos (2041, 2043, 2044)

eSwatini - 3 x 47.png.9d9a0d7cdb00f7e6d7efb653d85168c5.png Swazi Telecom Charity Cup - 12015860.png.adfd414acd1c40fa7b458c73107da45e.png Umbelebele Jomo Cosmos (2041, 2042, 2043)

eSwatini - 3 x 47.png.9d9a0d7cdb00f7e6d7efb653d85168c5.png Ingwenyama Cup - 12015860.png.adfd414acd1c40fa7b458c73107da45e.png Umbelebele Jomo Cosmos (2042, 2043, 2044)

Mozambique - 4 x 35.png.e0ec8cc78c79c3045bfa36a3f2baba4a.png Mozambican Super Cup - 5340959.png.78d54a77ca47ee4391ddde627c73ccda.png Ferroviario de Maputo (2045, 2046, 2047, 2048)

Mozambique - 4 x 13191166.png.6eb63a187741edc60340b150e68ecafb.png Mocambola - 5340959.png.78d54a77ca47ee4391ddde627c73ccda.png Ferroviario de Maputo (2045, 2046, 2047, 2048)

Mozambique - 4 x 13193812.png.68ce24a8650a855aa5e01a86f01fd211.png Taca Mocambique - 5340959.png.78d54a77ca47ee4391ddde627c73ccda.png Ferroviario de Maputo (2045, 2046, 2047, 2048)


Intro to Petro de Luanda





The squad is pretty small at this stage, we probably need to look around and see if we can get a few more guys in before the season starts.


Our best player by quite some distance. He looks fantastic for this level.

Next Up we will come back with the start of the season, hopefully having covered pre-season.

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Petro de Luanda - September 2019



Another fine month from the lads, as we win all our games, including a tie against our B team in the 2nd Round of the cup, which ended up 7-0. Elsewhere we remain perfect in the league and hold a slender lead over main title rivals Primeiro de Agosto and Bravos do Maquis.

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Petro de Luanda - October 2019



A short month for us this time around with only two fixtures, first in the cup an easy win against Willette Sport Clube and then a win against Interclube, to keep us top of the league.

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Petro de Luanda - November 2019



Well this month proved we are not invincible although the loss came under peculiar circumstances, as we had 31 shots to 4 of Deportivo Huila's and ended up losing 1-0. Elsewhere though it was wins all around. Including passage to the Quarter Final of the Cup with a win against Ferroviario de Huambo. Bravos de Maquis have kept reasonable pace with us and are still unbeaten, I was hoping with our form that we would have more of a lead at this stage.

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Petro de Luanda - December 2019



We are continuing this great run of form, as we only drop points in what I would class as the toughest game of the season away to Primeiro de Agosto and get through against Bravos who were breathing down our neck at the time. The loss to us seems to have killed their confidence and they have tumbled down the table this month. But we have extended an 8 point lead at the top of the table and things are looking very good to win the league in our maiden season.

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Petro de Luanda - January 2020



We really are flying at the moment as we record a perfect month, whilst booking passage to the Angolan Cup Final where we will play the old enemy Primeiro de Agosto. In the league we look unstoppable, it's an 11 point lead over Primeiro de Agosto and it won't be long before we are crowned Angolan champions at this rate. Primeiro have put a fair bit of space between them and Primeiro de Maio so we are pretty much assured 1st and 2nd at this point.

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Petro de Luanda - February 2020












A big month in our career as we secured the title with the first fixture of the month, and then in the middle of the month we had the Angolan Cup Final and we duly delivered another piece of silverware for the cup as we beat Primeiro de Agosto in the final 2-0. In the end we take the title by a huge 16 point margin as Primeiro de Agosto capture second place. It is the first title for the club since the 2008/09 season so very happy to get a title here. This also means we have accomplished our goals in Angola and will be free to move on once our 4 year period has elapsed in the country, which is good.

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Petro de Luanda - End of Season 2019/20


Some great performances here. Karanga averaged over an 8, which is fantastic. Yano got himself 25 goals this season, and Diogenes Joao got himself over 20 assists. In terms of some of the stats, Lolo was actually the best assist maker per 90, with 0.75 per game. Karanga unsurprisingly created the most chances per game, creating an average 1.33 per game. Karanga was also the team leader in dribble per game with almost 4 a game. Nary, our centre back was the team leader in interceptions with 3.72 per game. Karanga led us again in key passes per 90, with almost 3 a game.

Job was the person that got the most shots on target per game with an average of 3.45, and Manguxi saw the most of the ball with an average of 63.24 passes per game at an insane accuracy rating of 95%.




Currently studying for our B Licence, already have our C Licence under our belt.



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Petro de Luanda - August 2020



A new season kicks off and we were in action in three competitions. Firstly we were in the Preliminary stages of the CAF Champions League, where we decimated Moroccan opposition Wydad Casablance 8-1 at home before drawing the return leg 1-1 to advance 9-2 on aggregate. We captured our first piece of silverware for the new season with the Super Cup destruction of Primeiro de Agosto by 6-0, and we have started with a perfect 4 out 4 wins in the league, where we are battering most who play us, with some heavy wins along the way. Things could not really be going better at this stage.

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Petro de Luanda - September 2020



We were back in the Champions League this month and we faced Senegalese outfit AS Douanes and they did not put up much resistance against us as we came through the encounters on aggregate 14-2, to book our place in the next stage. In the league we have been good, although we did drop our first points of the season in a 0-0 draw away at Santa Rita de Cassia. In the Cup we progressed to the 3rd round beating Nacional de Benguela 7-0.

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Petro de Luanda - November 2020




Another month is in the books and we look very good at the moment. We progressed to the Angolan Cup Quarter Finals with two back to back wins in the cup against lower league opposition. In the league we have been faultless, including an away win against Recreativo do Libolo who sit in 2nd place and that extends our lead to 10 points now in the league. We opened up our Champions League campaign with an away draw against ES Sahel of Tunisia. The other two sides in the group are TP Mazembe of DR Congo and Tevragh Zeina or Mauritania. SO a tough group and we will see how we do here. Mazembe beat Zeina in their opener

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Petro de Luanda - December 2020




A perfect month for us as we record only wins. We got through to the semi final of the Angolan Cup, where will face arch rivals Primeiro de Agosto. In the league we are marching to a 2nd successive title, with two games in hand over Recreativo do Libolo and a 9 point lead at this stage. In the Champions League we are level on points with ES Sahel in the group, as we recorded a home win against Mazembe and a destruction of Mauritanian outfit Tevragh Zeina by 8-0, you would think we can qualify for the next stage realistically, but it could still all go wrong.

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Petro de Luanda - January 2021







This month only saw us feature in the league and the win against Primeiro de Agosto, confirmed us as league champions with a month to go or 5 games in the league season. We hold an unassailable lead of 17 points now over Recreativo do Libolo. It's been an incredible season for us, so consistent this season, much like we were last season, and deserved title victory. We can still go for the 100 goal difference, but with only 4 games to go that looks a little out of reach.

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Petro de Luanda - February 2021







Well the season has just one game left to go with the final group game of the Champions League, not that it matters for much. In the games we played this month in the Champions League we secured ourselves top spot in the group thanks for wins against TP Mazembe and a home destruction of ES Sahel. We still play Tevragh Zenia in the final game, but there is nothing for either side left to play for there. We captured ourselves the Angolan Cup for the 2nd season running embarrasing Recreativo do Libolo 5-1 in the final. We also completed an unbeaten season in the league as we only drew one game on our route to the title. Winning the league by 17 points from Recreativo do Libolo. Primeiro de Agosto only managed 4th place this year, so I am sure there will be an inquest there.

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Petro de Luanda - April 2021




First up we had the Champions League Quarter Final against South African outfit Supersport United. We got a last minute win in South Africa, despite being down to 10 men and then we had a pretty shaky performance in the return leg with a 2-2 draw, after being 2-0 up and cruising. Well perhaps it was a sign of things to come as we faced more South African opposition in the semi final first leg against Mamelodi Sundowns. We trail 3-1 from the first leg, again despite taking the first goal, we crumbled to a loss. We are not out of it yet, we have an away goal and we have a shot if we score early back at home, but we will need to be solid defensively.

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Petro de Luanda - May 2021



Well I always said that away goal against Mamelodi Sundowns could prove decisive and it was as we roared back with goals either side of the break to win 2-0 and advance on away goals. The final was played in the DR Congo against Algerian side ES Setif, and it was not a contest at all as we swept them aside 6-0, to win the Champions League, the first ever Champions League win for the club and the first ever win for an Angolan side. A superb achievement. We have pretty much won everything we can win with Petro de Luanda at this stage, but we still have two seasons to go.




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Petro de Luanda - End of Season 2020/21


Some of the stats this season have been incredible. Firstly starting with goals, Job scored 44 goals from 43 appearances from left wing this season. Special mention for Yano who managed a pretty impressive 36 goals, and Karanga who got over 20 himself. Also centre back Nary, was dangerous from corners and set pieces and bagged 16 as well. In terms of assists, Karanga was like Picasso on the pitch in terms of creativity, bagging 45 assists, Job also grabbed 27 to go with his haul of 44 goals.

No surprise that Karanga had the most assists per 90, with just under one a game. He also created 1.38 chances a game, and led dribbles per 90 with 3.07 a game. He also led the team in key passes with 2.61 a game. Nary was the man in defence getting 3.17 interceptions a game. Job found the target most per 90, averaging just under 4 and half shots on target per 90. Castro saw the most of the ball, with almost 70 passes completed per game and 95% pass accuracy to his team mates.

Overall there were two insane performers this season. Karanga averaged an 8.19 this season in terms of rating, but was just pipped by Job who got an 8.21 average rating. Job was involved in 71 goals this season and Karanga was involved in 66 this season, so fabulous stuff from both players.




We now have our Continental C Licence and already on track for our B Licence. Also our reputation is way up, as we are not seen as a Continental Reputation manager


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Petro de Luanda - June 2021





The FIFA Club World Cup takes place in June and although we have a good account of ourselves and African football, we could not get past Santos of Brazil and Tottenham of England. We finish bottom of the group and are going home back to Angola.

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Petro de Luanda - August 2021








The start of the new season is here and we already have two pieces of silverware in the CAF Super Cup as we beat Tunisian outfit ES Tunis on penalties to capture that, and an altogether easier experience capturing the Angolan Super Cup with a 4-0 win over Recreativo do Libolo. We also opened up the league campaign with a 4-1 win over Interclube and in the Champions League we waltzed through Preliminary Round beating eSwatini side Malanti Chiefs 20-0 on aggregate in a one sided beatdown.

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Petro de Luanda - Transfer Window


Moses Phiri

Julius Situmbeko


Dharles Kalonji

A big loss losing Manguxi. We had a lot of interest in our players this window and we managed to bat away most of it, apart from Manguxi who we could not hold on to. We almost lost Kalanga as well but he rejected the contract from one of the Arabian clubs.

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Petro de Luanda - September 2021



Another great month for us has seen not so much as concede a goal. We got through pretty tough opposition in Egyptian giant Al-Ahly in the 1st Round of Champions League as if they were part timers, to book passage to the Group Stages in our defence of the Champions League crown. In the league we are perfect after four games, and are equal on points with Primeiro de Maio, Primeiro de Agosto and CR Caala, but crucially have a game in hand at this early juncture. In the cup we breezed through against lower league opposition.

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Petro de Luanda - October 2021



Another perfect month of all wins, including a trouncing of lower league opposition in the cup where we won 15-0. We had 77 shots that game, which I think may be a record for one of my sides. Elsewhere in the league, regulation wins all the way, as we open up a 3 point gap in the league, and have a +29 goal difference after just 7 games this season.


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Petro de Luanda - November 2021




Another perfect month for us, although we did have a warning in the cup as we forced into extra time, but found a winner to advance to the next round. In the Champions League we opened up our campaign in earnest with a replay of last years final as we beat Algerian side ES Setif 4-0 at home. The other teams in the group are CS Constantine also of Algeria and APEJES of Cameroon. In the league it was wins all around as we make it 11 wins from 11 to start the season. Primeiro de Agosto have also started very well and are equal on points with us but have played a game more.

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Petro de Luanda - December 2021




There is no stopping us, we just batter most sides we play. In the league we have played 18 games, and have won them all and fair play to Primeiro de Agosto they hanging in their this year and are just 2 points behind but having played one more. We already have a postive goal difference of 80 this season, showing how often we are hitting 4's, 5's, 6's plus. We even beat Desportivo Huila 11-0 this season. In the Champions League it has been pretty easy going as we are dominant in the group on 9 points and top. Another win and we will qualify for the next stage. We played our own B Team in the Quarter Finals of the Cup and got a win 3-0, to book our semi final place.

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Petro de Luanda - January 2022



We continue to win, as we are now 8 games away from a perfect season in the Girabola. I have to hand it to Primeiro de Agosto they have been amazing to hang with us this season. Our goal difference is at +92, so 1-0 wins for the remainder of the season would get us to 100. In the cup we beat Primeiro de Agosto to reach the cup final again, where we will face Recreativo do Libolo.

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Petro de Luanda - February 2022








This month we had horrendous fixture congestion as we played pretty much a game every two days for the whole month and it is not yet over, as next month it continues. There was always going to be some casulaties and the main casualty was our unbeaten record which went when Primeiro de Agosto beat us. But fair play to them they have been fantastic this season. In the Champions League, we got a draw and a win against our Algerian opposition and have book our place in the Champions League Quarter Finals. We did manage to finalise the league title, at one point I was worried with so many games in so little time and Primeiro de Agosto breathing down our neck it could have got pear shaped, but in the end we had enough in us to just win our games as we went through them and avoid any kind of collapse. There are still two games to go and we did get our 100 goal difference, obviously it can still come down, but I suspect we will be able to keep it above 100. Another title in the bag for Petro.

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Petro de Luanda - March 2022




I could sense we were in trouble this month, the gruelling schedule was going to claim casualties amongst us and we ended the season really badly. Apart from the win in the Champions League which did not matter much anyway, we drew and lost one in the league and then lost the cup final. I think if we had these fixtures in December or January we would have won them easily, but at the end of the season with a small pre-season and very congested last two months, something had to give and it was us in the end. Just the Champions League to worry about now and we have drawn DR Congo giant TP Mazembe in the Quarter Finals which should be a tough encounter.

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Petro de Luanda - April 2022




With a much needed rest in our legs, we were back for the Champions League and in a close affair we managed to squeak by TP Mazembe of DR Congo 3-1 on aggregate to set up a tie against Tunisia's ES Tunis. We look very good value going into the home second leg, having taken the game in Tunisia 3-0. We look like we are heading back to the Champions League Final.

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Petro de Luanda - May 2022



The second leg against ES Tunis, provided no issues as we booked our place in the final in Ghana with a 4-0 aggregate win. We would face South African outfit Mamelodi Sundowns, who came very close to knocking us out last year. Well they couldn't stop us again this year as we got the win 2-0 in the final and captured our second Champions League crown in as many years.





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Petro de Luanda - End of Season 2021/22


Some incredible performances again this year. Job got himself 45 goals this season and 36 assists, to be both the top goalscorer and top assist maker. Not bad for a 34 year old who is planning on retiring at the end of next season. I have asked him to reconsider, he is too BEAST!!! Elsewhere Yano was also very impressive with 41 goals this season. Phiri our new signing also banged them in this season hitting 28 goals and 23 assists.

In terms of the stats obviously Job had the most assists per 90, with 0.81 per game. Karanga who platooned with Phiri this season, had the most chances created per 90 with 1 per game. Right back Diogenes Joao had the most dribbles per game with 3.14 per game. New signing Dharles Kalonji had the most interceptions per game averaging 2.76 a game. Karanga and Phiri had the most key passes a game with 2 a game each.

Job had the most shot on target per game with an average of 3.56 and Julius Situmbeko had the most time on the ball completing 84.24 passes per game at an accuracy of 95%.

The player with the best rating was Job with an 8.02, slightly down from last year, although he was involved this season in 81 goals which is up from last year.




We are up to Continental B and are studying for Continental A at the moment. Starting to look like a pretty accomplished manager stats-wise.


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Petro de Luanda - August 2022



Our final season at Petro is upon us and we have made a good start to the season with two wins in the league. We also captured two pieces of silverware much like last season with the CAF Super Cup, a win against Egyptian giant Al-Ahly and the Angolan Super Cup a win against Recreativo do Libolo. We also secured our place in the first round of the Champions League with an 11-0 aggregate win over Beninese side Tonnerre FC. All in all a good start. We are down the league at the moment by virtue that we have only played two games at the moment, whilst most other have played 4 or 5 games.

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