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Pirates having A headache...

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By all accounts, the pirated versions avaible atm are full of bugs, dont work properly, kick you out after one season..and so on.

Has DRM succeded? at least for now..

from varoius torrents.


Well SI themselves use torrents to distribute patches for starters, so there are plenty of legitimate reasons for being on there - don't be so righteous.

Well, it was a joke. A joke that failed miserably. Like my Arsenal demo game...

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i'm making a point, as ridiculously harsh and pointless as Chris did, i honestly for one minute do not believe that he has never done anything ever to break copyright like he claims, he obviously thinks a lot of himself so we'd never get an honest answer.

Whyat about you Gillsman? ever taped anything from the TV? made a mixtape for some unlucky lass? or are you a criminal and a thief like the rest of us?

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i'm making a point, as ridiculously harsh and pointless as Chris did, i honestly for one minute do not believe that he has never done anything ever to break copyright like he claims, he obviously thinks a lot of himself so we'd never get an honest answer.

Whyat about you Gillsman? ever taped anything from the TV? made a mixtape for some unlucky lass? or are you a criminal and a thief like the rest of us?

There's a difference between taping something off the TV to watch at a later date and downloading a game to avoid paying for it. I seriously hope you can see the difference.

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For a game series like FM, I think piracy probably helps overall sales. Some users might pirate one release, but as they grow up and earn more money, they are loyal to FM and will start paying. If these users didn't pirate, they probably would have never even played FM.

FM isn't a game where casual gamers will shell out $50. There's no awesome graphics, big explosions or continuous action. But once you're hooked, you can't stop playing release after release. It's like drug dealers giving out the first hit for free so addicted users will come back. I'm not sure why SI is taking such an adamant stance against piracy.

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If you've got something to say about the way these forums are moderated, please take it to the these forums thread. Your ridiculous comment has no place in this thread, it's simply trolling.

Well it did have a place in this thread because I was commentating on something that happened, you know, in this thread? It also clearly wasn't ridiculous.

Anyways, piracy...

For a game series like FM, I think piracy probably helps overall sales. Some users might pirate one release, but as they grow up and earn more money, they are loyal to FM and will start paying. If these users didn't pirate, they probably would have never even played FM.

FM isn't a game where casual gamers will shell out $50. There's no awesome graphics, big explosions or continuous action. But once you're hooked, you can't stop playing release after release. It's like drug dealers giving out the first hit for free so addicted users will come back. I'm not sure why SI is taking such an adamant stance against piracy.

First bold - On the other side, why would someone who does pirate one release decide to buy the game the next year when they enjoyed a year for free?

The drug dealer reference. If these people found a way to get said drug for free then would they do that or go back and pay for it? No way they'd continue to get the drug from the dealer if they could get it for free

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Well it did have a place in this thread because I was commentating on something that happened, you know, in this thread? It also clearly wasn't ridiculous.

Anyways, piracy...

First bold - On the other side, why would someone who does pirate one release decide to buy the game the next year when they enjoyed a year for free?

The drug dealer reference. If these people found a way to get said drug for free then would they do that or go back and pay for it? No way they'd continue to get the drug from the dealer if they could get it for free

For the same reason everyone else buys it. Everyone acts like pirates are kleptos. It's not as if a pirate has never paid for anything in their lives. This whole thread is kind of funny though. Some of the most ridiculous anti-piracy statements I've ever heard, and some of the most ridiculous pro-piracy statements. Also getting a kick out of the incredibly self-righteous and self-important people who have been posting.

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There's a difference between taping something off the TV to watch at a later date and downloading a game to avoid paying for it. I seriously hope you can see the difference.

Both are copyright infringement.

You have to be black and white on this, there are no exceptions. Cherry picking what you perceive as ok and not, is no different to the people here trying to justify what they, or their mates have done due to limited access, or poor implementation.

I couldn't care less, but you're taking the anal line, so you should follow it on every instance. And if you fast forward, commercials, you're thieving from the advertisers who fund the shows. And if you don't destroy the DVD you recorded the show onto, there's a good chance you're stealing royalties from those involved, because there's less chance you'll buy the box set.

Personally, I thank god for the pirates. I bought the game, viewed these forums and decided there was no way I was taking the chance of coping one in the ******** and wasting my time because of shoddy implementation. Found the crack and their install instructions, installed the game, and I've been playing happily ever since.

Got no problem paying, but I won't partake in such a ridiculous system.

And while we're on the concept of theft. SI and Sega should hang their heads due to the theft of so much time from loyal fans.

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Both are copyright infringement.

You have to be black and white on this, there are no exceptions. Cherry picking what you perceive as ok and not, is no different to the people here trying to justify what they, or their mates have done due to limited access, or poor implementation.

I couldn't care less, but you're taking the anal line, so you should follow it on every instance. And if you fast forward, commercials, you're thieving from the advertisers who fund the shows. And if you don't destroy the DVD you recorded the show onto, there's a good chance you're stealing royalties from those involved, because there's less chance you'll buy the box set.

Personally, I thank god for the pirates. I bought the game, viewed these forums and decided there was no way I was taking the chance of coping one in the ******** and wasting my time because of shoddy implementation. Found the crack and their install instructions, installed the game, and I've been playing happily ever since.

Got no problem paying, but I won't partake in such a ridiculous system.

And while we're on the concept of theft. SI and Sega should hang their heads due to the theft of so much time from loyal fans.

It's not particularly "anal" to suggest that pirating software is completely different to recording a TV show for personal use to watch at a later date.

You show me one person who has been found guilty of copyright infringement/theft because they recorded the TV? Yet I can show numerous examples of people who have been found guilty of software piracy. You show me one person who has been found guilty of recording a song a off the radio, or making one backup CD for a piece of software they bought the license for? Yet I can show you numerous examples of people who have been found guilty of selling counterfeit goods.

It doesn't take a genius to see the differences tbh.

Edit - Wait a minute, just read your post properly. Bye bye.

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Wow, if that doesnt get an infraction I dont know what does lol

I also disagree with the user who states that the pirate community has better coders, they dont its just that the publisher of mainstream software cannot incorporate code which would defeat pirates as they tend to be highly intrusive (Ive mentioned as such on previous pages, we have established "piracy proof" code for our corporate users but they dont mind the intrusive / PITA level) ;)

Well fair enough, to that extent i can agree. But face it, even if what you say is true, it still means the pirate community are in a constant advantage point, both in what code they can use, and also the numbers of them attempting to crack games.

Basically, all i'm trying to say is, i can fully understand why SI have tried a different copyright prevention method, but for the future of this game, and nearly all others; it's not worth it, especially if its going to hinder the paying customers.

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