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Qualifying for Competition in Same season - Help. 


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So I'm in need of a little help with a custom database I'm working on which I can't find a solution for. 

I have three custom competitions taking place during a season (January - November). For example Competition A & Competition B take place between January-March, and competition C takes place between May-November. Teams that make the final stages of both competitions (A&B) qualify for Competition C for that same season. 

This works perfectly during the first season, however the second season Competition C takes the teams that qualified from the previous seasons competitions instead of current season, and this continues to be the case as the years go on (each season taking the previous season's qualified teams rather than the current season teams). 

I've tried various fixes I thought might work but I'm currently at a loss at how I can get this to work properly. Basically I need Competition C to take the qualified teams from the current season rather than the previous (i.e 2021 Comp C taking the teams from 2021 Comp A&B, and so forth.)

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. 

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This sounds like an issue with set up dates.

I had something similar, but in my case the problem was that there wasn't enough time between A/B and C. That should not be the issue for you, but what could be possible is that the setup date for competition C is already somewhere in January.

Instead, you would want to set that to April.

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Never thought of that if I'm honest but that definitely sounds like the possible solution as I think your right that it was a January set up like the others. I'll give that a try later and see if it remedies things. 

Thanks so much for the reply.  :thup:

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21 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

This sounds like an issue with set up dates.

I had something similar, but in my case the problem was that there wasn't enough time between A/B and C. That should not be the issue for you, but what could be possible is that the setup date for competition C is already somewhere in January.

Instead, you would want to set that to April.

This worked perfectly.


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