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Press conference and team talks pre match

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I leave conferences to the assistant as they are too time consuming, boring and ultimately - pointless. I've never seen any influence of how the team performs to answer your question. Just a tip if you want to go that route - sometimes even if the ass man takes the press conferences, you will get random one off questions about players or manager rivelries. You can just hit continue and move on without answering. 

Team talks, however, are a big weapon in this game. The right team talk can be a big boost for the team. Pre match I go for "Pick up when you left off" where available and "prove a point". Those are really good ones when the team is on a winning run. Sometimes if I'm a huge favorite I go can with "I expect a win" and when I play a derby I always pick "for the fans" regardless home or away. If the team is not favorites avoid putting pressure on them. "Good Luck" is a good one when you don't know what to say - it has no positive or negative effects. "No Pressure" is great when you're a big underdog. 

At Half Time If I lead by one or two goals I go with "don't get complacent", if I win by more I praise the players. If I am losing or drawing I criticise the players generally. 

When a player is nervous I sometimes tell him "I have faith" but not always. Depends on the situation. If a player ever switches off from team talk - instant sub. Players like that never perform.

So that is basically it. There are more good team talks for specific situations, but I'm leaving you to discover them yourself. Also, there are always exceptions, so use common sense when talking to the team. Team personality also plays a part and your motivation attribute is important. That's basically it, I hope this helps. 

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I despise Press Conference questions with the white hot intensity of a million suns. They make no sense at all and are the embodiment of Facebook spam in FM. The risk in sending your Assistant to handle them is: You're allowing your AI manager to give a potentially asinine response to an asinine question.  

Case in point; When asked about interest from other clubs in one of my important players, my Assistant replies "if 'said coach' wants to make an offer then let him come forward with a bid". A moronic response, considering I had no interest in selling the player and often unsettles him. I've fired 2 assistants already for making such stupid comments. I handle all PCs from now on and try to do the conservative/middle response for most questions. 












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On 02/09/2020 at 09:34, Impacto said:

I leave conferences to the assistant as they are too time consuming, boring and ultimately - pointless. I've never seen any influence of how the team performs to answer your question. Just a tip if you want to go that route - sometimes even if the ass man takes the press conferences, you will get random one off questions about players or manager rivelries. You can just hit continue and move on without answering. 

Team talks, however, are a big weapon in this game. The right team talk can be a big boost for the team. Pre match I go for "Pick up when you left off" where available and "prove a point". Those are really good ones when the team is on a winning run. Sometimes if I'm a huge favorite I go can with "I expect a win" and when I play a derby I always pick "for the fans" regardless home or away. If the team is not favorites avoid putting pressure on them. "Good Luck" is a good one when you don't know what to say - it has no positive or negative effects. "No Pressure" is great when you're a big underdog. 

At Half Time If I lead by one or two goals I go with "don't get complacent", if I win by more I praise the players. If I am losing or drawing I criticise the players generally. 

When a player is nervous I sometimes tell him "I have faith" but not always. Depends on the situation. If a player ever switches off from team talk - instant sub. Players like that never perform.

So that is basically it. There are more good team talks for specific situations, but I'm leaving you to discover them yourself. Also, there are always exceptions, so use common sense when talking to the team. Team personality also plays a part and your motivation attribute is important. That's basically it, I hope this helps. 

This @AdomiEunwoo ^

- Pick up where you left off/keep it going

- Prove a point

- Revenge!!!!!!!!!!

I think those three are the pre-match gimmes and should be chosen whenever available, regardless of whether you think it makes sense or not.

I'm not vengeful by nature, lol, so I never even thought of using that until I got a better assman who suggested it one time and it worked. Also important to note, just because you don't see everyone go green doesn't mean it wasn't received well, as you should also note the snippet of text beside the player.

At half time don't be afraid to go with 'your play has been disappointing', I actually use that a fair bit to try and light a bit of a fire if we are underperforming or even if we are doing OK but it's still 0-0 for instance. If things are going well I typically just mix in one of the 3 mentioned above.

Post match I find ones that have something like "...don't be complacent" can be good to use after a win against lesser opponents, against top sides I'm happy to be solely positive and say 'well done", "good performance" etc...

If you want to delegate pressers to your assman, take a look at their profile and how they handle the media, as you don't want your guy annoying your players before the match, which can happen on occasion.

One last thing about pressers, be prepared for really stupid pointless questions, wholly out of context, on a pretty regular interval :-)

Edited by CaptCanuck
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