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Enjoying the Game: Am I alone?

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OK SI. I have had problems, I have whinged about stuff (some my fault) but I am enjoying the game now (still have a few problems with the odd, game not responding). But I am getting the fire back.

I dont use the 3D screen

I'm really enjoying it. I've hardly had any problems.

Massive improvement on FM08, feels like Its got its balance back.

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I like it. The additions are all good.

Personally struggling to understand why lots of my teams' performances are bad, but hopefully I'll figure it out in the end.

My personal view is that the tactical element now is so extreme (not a bad thing) that it makes the game a bit inaccessible to new users; would be interested to see if any first time FMer's share that view.

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i love it - so i really hated it at the start and i still dont like steam etc.... but overall big overhaul on 08. I jumped on the complaint bandwagon like many others but the patch made difference to many bugs...

I am running on a good system 4gb ram, 2900xt, 3.2ghz core2duo and it runs 3 leagues no sweat.

3d match view is excellent with a good GPU.

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No you're not alone,i'm loving it too.

Yep me too. I am playing Bromley, and for the first time ever the match engine does not have me wanting to pull my hair out: the game feels real. I like the conferences and the intercation, and the easy way now you can play folk in the Reserves (a struggle in eg FM 2004)

I dont use the 3d engine, but I know guess who at least until FM 2007 werent use the 2D engine

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I'm enjoying it too. Still working on the friendlies and the 3D does work good enough with my graphiccard (which is under the minimum requirements). Although I think I will go back to 2D in a while when I seen enough of it.

Loving the comments from the assistant during the match.

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I'm one of the lucky people who hasn't had even the slightest little problem getting the game running etc, etc... and I've been loving it!

The 3D match engine is ace. I wouldn't even consider going back to 2D. This years installement definitely has something about it. It feels fresh and enjoyable again for the first time in years!

Now that I feel I've mastered the far more complex tactical element of the game I'm hooked. My only problem now is trying to master the "second season syndrome" that I've been suffering from... :(

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Yeps i like it, i use 3D and i love it, only only only thing :D SPEEDUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! slowest fM version i think.

I think we've just been spoilt by speed increases over the last 5 years or so. I remember having to read a book while playing CM because it could take over a minute for results to calculate (in fairness my computer was rubbish).

Looking positive, I may catch up on my reading with FM09.

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well count me in - definitely.

I really seem to have sorted out the injury stuff - though I picked Man C just to make sure I have enough squad depth just in case ;)

tho I feel like I will feel safer with the 9.0.2 but till then it is a joy to play I feel like back in late 90s with CM2!!

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I also enjoy the game,the injuries and ranged shooting are a bit annoying(regardless of the tactics I use).

I also like the 3d game although that could be improved on but still alot better than the 2008 game but still short on the massive addictiveness that was CM97/98.

Old school ftw!

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I said I wouldn't be getting '09 until it was adequately patched. so I wasn't planning on getting it until January at the earliest and started a new save on '08.

However, after reading positive feedback on the release day patch I decided to take the plunge and I haven't been disappointed.

Sure, there's still some nigggles and I wish I could run more leagues on my reasonably capable computer. But, for gods sake - it's JUST a game! Accept it for what it is and just enjoy the escapism it offers.

Thumbs up from me.

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Yeps i like it, i use 3D and i love it, only only only thing :D SPEEDUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! slowest fM version i think.

I appreciate the fact that it probably differentiates from player to player but I myself have found this to be BY FAR the fastet proccessing Football Manager to date! At the moment I'm only running the English leagues (to Blue Square N/S) but I've also included all personnel from England, Spain, France and Italy, It takes a while for the game to load up at the start but when playing it's pretty bloody swift!

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Just finished my 3rd season and I think it's fantastic, best of the lot.The only thing I would change would be press conferences, these features need to have a massive variety of questions/answers to make it work.Also they need to rephrase the wording, if they could do both these things then I'm sure press conferences would be the best thing on the game (excluding the ME)

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I love it, the features are pretty cool. Going to be hard to top 07 and 08 cause I played such long careers with them. But FM09s time will come.

3D match engine is cool but the stupidity of my players just gets to me. I dont look forward to matches as much now, but people are saying after a season results start to go in your favour as you get more of a grasp.

Hopefully it all pans out

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I'm enjoying it. No problems with the activation at all and the game itself is pretty good, my only gripes being that the strikers hit the bar way too much and the non-inclusion of the match overview screen when there's no action on the pitch. But apart from that it's fine, it feels like whatever was "missing" in FM08 is back. I now WANT to work hard on my team and formation.

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I'm completely in love with the new FM to be fair. Am liking it a lot, and there's much to like.

Especially since the patch the game is very, very well balanced. Best FM in years in my opinion in many, many ways.

The only thing that I keep criticizing about FM at the moment is the tactics screen. It's very cold and inhuman in my opinion. Too much sliders with too many notches for my taste.

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This version is soooo much better than 08 its unbelivable.

I wasnt gonna buy 09 because i remember last year i thought it was crap. but this year its absolutely great, i have had NO problems with it.

And the bugs are so small it doesnt mather to me.

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This version is soooo much better than 08 its unbelivable.

I wasnt gonna buy 09 because i remember last year i thought it was crap. but this year its absolutely great, i have had NO problems with it.

And the bugs are so small it doesnt mather to me.

I think this version is so much better than FM2008!! And confess I am in my second season, not really noticing any bugs? And this is the first match engine (ever) that does not drive me nuts.It all seems so realistic now - I believe these matches.

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Im really enjoying FM09 :D

Installing it was a pain but after getting it installed last night, and after 5 hours non stop playing, I must admit it was worth the wait! Better and quicker in my eyes :thup:

Still though abit unrealistic in some areas, for example, Im Leicester City and just loaned Diego Tristan from West Ham! Never going to happen in real life! :rolleyes:

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i'm lovin' it :) only complaints are the usual, user interface unresponsive, and loading before match. I am already in 2011 with Man United.

I think that a quiet forum says alot about the game, just look at the amount of traffic during demo release and all the injury complaints and so on. The little babys have been screaming for mummys milk and now they've got it and are quiet ;)

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