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Note to everyone uploading their tactic and rating the quality based on a season

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Guys, it is not difficult to achieve extremely good results in the first year with a mediocre team. If your club's reputation is not high, teams will give lots of space for you. Any attacking, high tempo, and overkill tactic can bring you very good results. I have managed to win the league in the first season with Norwich City in two different saves also won the CL in my second season with Norwich. I managed to become runner's up in the first season with FC Köln and then won the Euro League and the Bundesliga in the second season. All with the same tactic. However, problems occured and my tactic stopped working when I achieved my biggest result. This is due to your reputation increasing very fast and teams starting to take you seriously and not giving away spaces anymore. So, if you want to upload a tactic and claim it is a gamebreaker, test the tactic over at least 3 full seasons with the same team. Do not test the tactic for one year with different teams and different leagues. These tests do not show anything. 

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9 hours ago, goku4 said:

Guys, it is not difficult to achieve extremely good results in the first year with a mediocre team. If your club's reputation is not high, teams will give lots of space for you. Any attacking, high tempo, and overkill tactic can bring you very good results. I have managed to win the league in the first season with Norwich City in two different saves also won the CL in my second season with Norwich. I managed to become runner's up in the first season with FC Köln and then won the Euro League and the Bundesliga in the second season. All with the same tactic. However, problems occured and my tactic stopped working when I achieved my biggest result. This is due to your reputation increasing very fast and teams starting to take you seriously and not giving away spaces anymore. So, if you want to upload a tactic and claim it is a gamebreaker, test the tactic over at least 3 full seasons with the same team. Do not test the tactic for one year with different teams and different leagues. These tests do not show anything. 

First season win with Norwich is quite something, can you share that tactic and maybe post screenshots of those saves?

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59 minutes ago, kelmi55 said:

First season win with Norwich is quite something, can you share that tactic and maybe post screenshots of those saves?

I have my current FC Köln save, I can share with. Other than that there is a link in another forum to my Norwich side. I am not sure whether I am allowed to share links. Anyway, I need to recycle my norwich save to make some screenshots :) As I said, it is really not that hard. The hardest thing is the season after you have won something great. WIth the same tactic, I managed a fourth place in the second season but only because I tweaked it. So I never understand people uploading their tactics and then commenting on them like I tried it out in a new save with XYZ and these are the results... Another season with the same side after winning the treble would be more credible and had a lot more meaning to the quality of the tactic than just create a new save and start again with a lower team with low reputation and lots of spaces provided by the opponents

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