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Shiny new objects

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I always settle on a system, build some players around that system and have some success. But then, a funny thing happens. The scouting meeting comes along, and there's some bright shiny new object. It doesn't fit, but I have to have it, so a new system is built, players are bought. And around and around I go.

Most recently, I settled on a 4-2-3-1 DM with an anchorman and a segundo volante. Great. I went out and bought the best anchorman money could buy. Built out some top notch DM depth, had a nice season....but then a fantastic CM pops up, maybe the best in the world. I manage to unsettle him and next thing you know he's mine. Well the 4-2-3-1 DM won't work, I have to build around my fantastic CM, but what to do with all these DM's laying around? Let's go with a 4-3-3.

But now, a shiny new AMC is popping up in the storefront... so here we go again. I need help I guess is what I'm saying.

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17 hours ago, fivetwelvepony said:

I always settle on a system, build some players around that system and have some success. But then, a funny thing happens. The scouting meeting comes along, and there's some bright shiny new object. It doesn't fit, but I have to have it, so a new system is built, players are bought. And around and around I go.

Most recently, I settled on a 4-2-3-1 DM with an anchorman and a segundo volante. Great. I went out and bought the best anchorman money could buy. Built out some top notch DM depth, had a nice season....but then a fantastic CM pops up, maybe the best in the world. I manage to unsettle him and next thing you know he's mine. Well the 4-2-3-1 DM won't work, I have to build around my fantastic CM, but what to do with all these DM's laying around? Let's go with a 4-3-3.

But now, a shiny new AMC is popping up in the storefront... so here we go again. I need help I guess is what I'm saying.

Having options is a good thing though? maybe just look to buy versatile players so they can perform a variety of roles?

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Create a solid 433 and train your Amc to play as a central midfielder. Depending on his stats he should be a good Mezzala, Advanced playmaker, Cm(attack).

Or create a solid 4231 and train your Dm to play as Central midfielders. In a 4231 cms need to be hardworking and solid defensively so they should do well.

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