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With FM 21 so close what is your wishlist

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My wishlist is 


Be able to see how signing a high reputation player whil increase the shirt sales as so many clubs buy players just because shirt sales.

Agents being more vocal in the media and talking about the player wants to move or get a new contract 

dynamic potentials 

Being able to completly upgrade your stadium to seated only 


Edited by Jonathanskilz
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Fix Players feeling they deserve new contracts every five minutes.

REMOVE Club Takeover Rumors every five minutes. And when they DO happen, make some sense out them: Don't allow the new chairman be an authoritarian and ruin your squad with transfer moves that make no damn sense at all!

Fix players refusing to renew contracts due to interest from other clubs, then requesting a meeting with you wanting to know why you put them on he transfer list because their contract is running down. 

Add the option to completely REMOVE press conferences altogether. 

REDUCE the number of clicks required between matches. 

Fix 99% of AI Managers using 4231 Wide formation deep into all saves!. 

Add the Option to Interact with Players to suggest talking them into considering International Retirement. 

VAR & Offside...



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dynamic TV deals/prize money so that you can profit from growing a leagues reputation and not be forced to rely solely on Europa/Champions league revenue.

dynamic rivalries that grow over time, if I'm Boreham Wood winning the Premier League then I should develop rivalries with other London clubs for example.

dynamic country youth level for youth intakes, if I'm in Sweden at a club with all facilities maxed then I should become a centre of excellence or such like, which should improve the level of youngsters coming through substantially.

allow us to create youth academies in other countries e.g. allow us to create a youth academy in the Ivory Coast, and have those players come through in our youth intake. allow us to have some sort of philosophy such as physical coaching, technical coaching, etc.

dynamic player potential, impacted by things like major injuries etc.

increase the chance of getting youth regens from affiliates.

more choice around club vision depending on how long you have been in the job. also have some of them weighted higher e.g. sign high profile players

make players personalities matter more when doing player interactions, make them develop over time so you really have to be careful with some players and have a more serene experience with others.

more options to interact players to unsettle them before games - but make it so that it can also backfire on you depending on their personality or something.

new staff role - sponsorship manager (call it whatever haha), who can help bring in far more lucrative sponsorships. This should work in conjunction with your clubs/leagues reputation or something, giving you an extra way of growing revenue.



force the AI to loan out their youngsters more so that you don't see players with good potential stagnating in the reserves for no apparent reason.

improve the AI's "scouting ability" so that they also try (harder) to hoover up the young 16 year olds. also improve it so that they make better signings in general, signings that actually fit their tactic would be good.



nerf pressing in general so that Gegenpress isn't overpowered.

majorly change the way the AI sets up against you, if you are playing them at their ground they should be more attacking etc.

make it so that the condition of players really impacts upon them, e.g. genuinely impacts on them being able to move around the pitch at pace. maybe slow the rate of recovery after matches too, or have it related to your facilities.

more injuries.

fix the issue where the player keeps the ball inbounds but runs past it allowing an easy attack.

fix the wingers hitting the ball into the side netting instead of squaring it to the striker for an easy tap in.

fix the issue where two players go to close down the same player, often chasing them around.

buff 1on1's with the keeper, hopefully increasing the goals so that strikers goal tallies are more representative of real world strikers in a season.


that's about all I could think of :thup:

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6 hours ago, Jonathanskilz said:

My wishlist is 


Be able to see how signing a high reputation player whil increase the shirt sales as so many clubs buy players just because shirt sales.

Agents being more vocal in the media and talking about the player wants to move or get a new contract 




Dynamic Réputation : According to a player's performance during the big game , Big Transferts , age : ( Playing at an early age in a first team ), ansu fati ,mbappé, pietro pellegri ,camavinga , oodergard etc....)#theHYPE 

Edited by destmez
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Probably too late for FM21 but some things I would like to see:

1) Eventually, I would like to see the attributes disappear and work in the background like the hidden attributes. One should only get context related information about a player like we see in the reports: is very fast, constant player, with a lot of vision. Maybe there can be some "stats" available. He can jump 2m high. He runs 100m in 10 seconds. Basically, the idea is to drift away from these exact numbers and force the manager to get an idea about the player and take a risk. 

2) While it is more about managing the team, the money is also very important. There could be more emphasis on negotiating sponsorship deals, ticket pricing etc. Maybe create another role for someone to take care of that if the player doesn't want to do it. Maybe based on reputation with the club/as a manager you can have more say in budget talks and pricing strategies. 

3) Set pieces. There is more control now but it is still very inflexible to be creative and set up a completely new type of set piece strategy. 

4) Interface/UI. I still see some Interface issues in FM 20 and FM 21 is coming out. For example, when you select a certain layout on the home screen it keeps going back to what it was before. When you hover over the player and get a quick look at his attributes there are some information boxes below that keep showing short term plans. No matter how often I change that to something else, it keeps going back. That is a bit frustrating and basically makes the feature useless as I cannot set it up as I wish. 



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If there's one thing I'd like to see in the next version, it's a bigger difference between the top teams and the lower league ones in terms of what tactics and styles of play are actually achievable. In particular, players with low stamina should tire much more quickly if they're being asked to play in a physically demanding role or system. I'd also like to see poorer skill execution in the lowest leagues. It shouldn't be possible to make my division 10 amateur team play like Liverpool or Barcelona. The players just shouldn't be capable of it.


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Polish mostly.

Just keep on adding to the animations on the pitch, more options when talking to players or press, and general improvement ot features. I'm not super needy for FM21, what with the pandemic. I'm usually very open to being just excited by what might be coming in a new edition of the game.

Perhaps one day we might see the ability to further refine set pieces. I find the set piece creator very basic and cumbersome. I'd happily accpet some sort of drag down menu for a variety of set piece types. One area of the game I find awkward to manage is having players in the best positions to stop a counter attack from corner, so maybe some sort of in game tool to be able to say to a player that they need to be mindful of that threat.

I'd love to see managers given more freedom with regard to shouts in the game. I often feel very limited in only being able to shout to players every 15 minutes. I understand the need for balance, but I'd like to be able to shout praise more often.

One thing I saw Loki Doki say in a recent video was that he would like collision in the match engine. I couldn't help but agree. Much of the game, when it comes to tackles, is about imagination. I'd like to actually see players barging one another, or maybe even throwing a punch. For me, though, the match engine is about refinement year after year.

Here's to a good FM21. :brock:


EDIT: Oh, I would love to see a personal tactical option to ask a player to cross first time, or for SI to find a way to make the engine work better centrally. I think it is improrant to understand that perfection of the engine is never easy, but if we could get real advances in central play in FM21 then I'd be very happy. I'd love to see the F9/SS combination work beautifully this year.

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I posted about this in the Things That Annoy You thread - the tactics module isn't especially intuitive with how it categorizes systems as back three versus back five.  I'd like to see it changed so that the only systems recognized as a back five are systems with the wide defenders in the FB spots in a flat defensive line.  If the wide defenders are in the wingback spots with three central defenders, the formation should always be considered a back three.

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Make everything about newgens more individual and not all molded in the same shape. Have some be late bloomers. Have some NOT start to decline at 32. Some players should be able to play at a high level when they're 35, this is not possible with FM's current model where all players decline at 32.

And for the love of God, give them some unique faces. This isn't a 90s game engine anymore and this has actually become a lot worse. In FM20 they all look ridiculously bland.

Make some newgens specialists in some field, whether it's penalties, free kicks or strength or anything else. In my save there are NO newgens with 20 in penalties or free kicks. I'm sure there are many attributes where no player in the WORLD in my save has 20 and that's just not right, and part of the problem that most players just have way too similar attributes. I'm not saying it needs to be ludicrous with strikers who have Marking 20, but just give them something to stand out a bit. They're very samey the way they are now.

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I'm a squad number OCD nerd, and I think FM needs to improve how the AI dishes out squad numbers.

There is seemingly a system in place that does indeed give out numbers based on position, however it does not work very well. I've seen a player who is a natural striker, but able to play at CM, be given 6 when they never once actually play in the CM position. The AI should assign a number based on where they will play the player.

I'd love to see a properly dynamic system based on things like a team's main tactic and even what country a team is in, but I gather it's not anyone else's interest.

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I'm waiting things in ME what now are looking for its place unbalanced falls into its natural places. I would like to see balance in flow of the game. Game going flanks and center. Interceptions coming from center and flanks. Counters being used if played over attackingly. Nothing much and whole lot. :D

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Better regen faces, as much as I love winning the 2046 UCL with a team of swampmen...


I would really like to see media and pressure from fans be better incorporated. So if you answer the prematch interview question regarding a player and their performance in an upcoming match with "I suspect we'll lean on him heavily" or whatever, you can literally bench him and nothing happens. No follow-up media questions post-match, no anger from the player, nothing. I'm not saying make the media aspect massive and have big swings in careers, but just that added bit would help.


As a frequent manager in La Liga I would love to stop getting the question about RELEASE CLAUSES EVERY TIME A PLAYER SIGNS HIS CONTRACT! 

Media reports can also help inform managers of certain things. Your news screen should have an article that analyzes your teams top player or your current season/past month of results. Maybe it's written by angry fans that hate you for not geggenpressing or something, I don't know, just anything to add that little extra pool of realism.


With all that, club legends and icon status needs a massive overhaul. I would love to see it fully weighted and calculated accordingly... winning a UCL with Real Madrid means less than a UCL with Eintracht Frankfurt, so winning it should solidify you as a club icon because of the prestige of the competition, the lack of Frankfurt success relative to Real, etc.


This is a wishlist of minor stuff and the announcement for features is coming soon, so I hope to see something. The commercial for FM20 really had me thinking media would play a bigger part in the game... but alas, nothing changed.

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As for major things, I'd like a total overhaul of interactions, especially regarding agents.  It frosts my buns when a player gets mad that you insist on his release clause being paid when he himself insisted on the release clause being part of his contract.

The unfortunate thing is that a lot of what makes football football just isn't portable to FM, I think.  Clubs aren't going to be allowed to go bust, and the game won't ever include situations like a club's owners buying the clients of the agent whose company they've invested in. 

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Much, much better match engine and better looking 2D match engine. I don't care about scouting, training, press conferences and other unnecessary updates I just want better football representation.

If they keep this awful, depressing look of 2D match engine there is no way I will buy it no matter how good the game is.


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9 hours ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

Better regen faces, as much as I love winning the 2046 UCL with a team of swampmen...

I actually think the FM20 regens look decent and much improved compared to previous versions.

(Maybe, its because I'm from New Zealand  :lol:)

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More consistent and realistic difficulty ; I understand playing LFC at Anfield should be very hard. However a middle table team with average number of fans shouldnt be so hard to play Away, at least not consistently so, OR make them play better when they come to my stadium too. Kinda breaks immersion and winning at home doesnt feel too rewarding.

More "intelligence" from players. I constantly see top notch wingers just running to the touch line and shooting at the post on an impossible angle rather than passing it for a clear cutback. That and more varied animations ; fake shooting, body feints, etc.

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22 hours ago, Marko1989 said:

Much, much better match engine and better looking 2D match engine. I don't care about scouting, training, press conferences and other unnecessary updates I just want better football representation.

If they keep this awful, depressing look of 2D match engine there is no way I will buy it no matter how good the game is.


Yeah I also hope they improve the look and lighting for the 2D match engine. Looks pretty awful as it is right now. FM17 had a really nice looking 2D view with the turf textures and background. 

2 hours ago, chadnw said:

An option to be an owner/manager. I know it will never happen.

Well no because then it wouldn't be Football Manager would it.

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* Assistant manager advice revamp

* Overhaul of 3d animations (not new graphic engine)

* Overhaul of conversation system

* Improve Social Media

* Better description of instructions on Tactics page

* Ability to manage and work from a U18 team similar to starting unemployed

* Ability to work as a DoF or leave and work as a Manager somewhere

* International management overhaul



* Better graphical engine

* Better audio

* Revamp of how AI managers interact with your tactic on matchday and steadily improve by countering

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Hopefully all or some of these.

- Custom views finally fixed
- Full collision detection
- Less clicks
- Ability to learn more about the game (being a manager) based on coaching licenses
- More varied AI transfer offers
- AI better at acquiring players based on need/ambition/performances instead of reputation/performances
- Less clunkier way of setting up set-pieces
- Ability to position players in set-pieces based on player and not position
- Better optimisation of the game for long careers with big database (certain screens get very slow after a while)
- Ability to show all player names during a game again

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Doubt anything on my wishlist will happen for 21, except maybe the set pieces part, but lets do this anyway. Not gonna add all the ME stuff, since it has been mentioned far too often already.

- Set piece set ups! As roykela above said, player based instead of position based would be great. Having to to readjust your routines every time you sub on/off a player that you want in a specific position for set pieces is a pain.

- League rep! This stat is basically omnipotent and it's garbage. You can be a triple CL winner, #1 club rep in the world, have players that won the golden ball, best player in Europe etc, but hey your league rep is only 3.5* so AI won't offer you more than 30m for one of the best players in the world on a long term contract! It's absolutely stupid. Not a top 5 league? All your players are worthless. Ligue 1 sucks for a year in Europe so they drop to 6th in the coefficient list and you get 5th spot (And thus a higher star rating since apparently star rating is tied to your coefficient position, thus only a limited number of high rep leagues can exist at a time) and suddenly your entire team is worth twice as much and the AI offers you way more for your players. :idiot: These things should be much more club/player reputation based, with performances in the CL or with his national squad massively boosting value (since most of these players don't get picked up because they do amazingly in their domestic league, they get picked up because they showed their stuff in the CL, EC, WC etc)

- Youth player valuation! Yes the above has one exception, u22 players! The AI goes full ham on offers regardless of how crappy your league rep is. But only if they're 22 or younger! Which makes for some really ironic scenes when a player has his birthday during a transfer period and you see the AI go from 80m+ offers to 20m in literally a single day, because a 23yr old is worthless unless he plays in a highly rated league! :lol:

- Scouting youngsters. "Boss, I found this 16 year old, he's highly professional, ambitious, consistent, although he might have a slight issue with injuries"... how do you know that?! Looking at a youth player for a week should not tell you any of this! Think this is also a massive part of why complete flops are so rare for the player. If your scout tells you this 16 yr old is a casual, you'd instantly go "nope, next!". You shouldn't be able to know about this until you've actually seen him at work for a while.

- On that part, I'd also love to see more dynamics in player personality. Yes, currently they slowly shape towards your overall squad personality and their tutor group, with the occasional off field event that can massively impact it, but I'd love to see more fluctuation in that. Let young players generally start with lower personality attributes, with these (potentially) actively developing as they age. That'd make player development much more risky, as you can't just pick up professionals everywhere, so you need to grab immature guys and hope that they actually grow up. Some would, some would just be average guys that have potential but never quite got the most out of it and... well some would be your Morrisons or Balotellis that you don't want anywhere near your team. Nowadays you just set your scout, after a week he tells you the guy is professional and you know that, barring basically a career ending injury, his CA will go off like a rocket until he runs out of PA.

- Regen development/creation. As others already said, regens turn into absolute carbon copies of the most basic mold player. Part of that might be due to training (I have a gut feeling that the AI just trains them in their optimal role, which for youth players will be basic roles like No-nonsense Central Defender, Limited Fullbacks, Advanced forward etc due to their limited CA), but a lack of people in these roles starting with attributes for more advanced roles is definitely an issue as well. How many offensive fullback regens have you actually seen? In my experience, I just take wide midfielders/wingers that have enough tackling/marking to not fall over their own feet when attempting a tackle and retrain them as fullbacks since regen fullbacks that can actually cross the ball don't exist in my saves.


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  1. Match Engine where I can play any styles - counter in cautious mentality + deep DL , tiki-taka without long passing without a reason , etc
  2. New freekicks/corners system. This is so old, its a shame
  3. Better interface. So many bugs... One coach was in my team from U21 to assistant, but he still coach of U21 in profile
  4. More stable and realistic AI. I lose any interest when Bayern Munich is 6 in Bundesliga without a reason, just because after 25 shots 0 goals (linked for #1)
  5. Better journeyman. FM20 was the best but some details still need improve. Clubs are waiting full June for sigh a new manager and started in last week of June. But if they sign few weeks before - more time for check squad and start to find players. For now I need to change squad during pre-season :seagull:
  6. Better manager models. Just terrible. Hairs, clothes. More clothes, away and winter/cold styles
  7. Better graphics for ME.
    Btw Xbox is console of another one new generation. Is it will be the same ME graphics in 4k console? :p
  8. Stupid AI offers. I want 80 mln for players. Why I need to deny 30 mln offer every few seconds??? :mad:
  9. Fix of B teams - no games, players ignore manager of B team and ask me for contracts
  10. Some leagues like Spain and Netherlands close/reload in July only. 
  11. Better newgens. Its better too in FM20 but not enough (99% FB are defensive, players in wrong positions in compare of attributes) 
  12. Possibility to pay for licenses my contract money and choose manager attributes for improve myself

One big thing which I want and never be realised - start as a player. Just skip days, your decisions are ask for new contract/tranfer , choose attributes for points (RPG style) and be ready to start a manager. All the same which AI players do. I just like to play in longsave where are a new world with new players. And after player career I have a character with a favourites (clubs/persons) and background :thup::rolleyes:


upd 12 - better fitness meaning. For now people use strange tactics extra high intensity which have no any sence/realism

p.s. nice new interface there are btw :thup:

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A new ME that's playable and enjoyable, interactions that make sense and the AI to offer proper money for your players instead of half their worth, never happens the other way when we have to pay over the odds.

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В 10.10.2020 в 10:55, tyro сказал:

1) Eventually, I would like to see the attributes disappear and work in the background like the hidden attributes. One should only get context related information about a player like we see in the reports: is very fast, constant player, with a lot of vision. Maybe there can be some "stats" available. He can jump 2m high. He runs 100m in 10 seconds. Basically, the idea is to drift away from these exact numbers and force the manager to get an idea about the player and take a risk. 


Its really cool :thup: 

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- greater intelligence from staff you delegate to. Contract offerings, DOFs the obvious.

- automatic ease off tackles feature.

- demands high work rate added to manager tendencies (would offer greater realism with gifted, "luxury players" being ousted by particular managers. Ozil probably the greatest relevant example).

- recommended current ability for staff in the editor. Absolute bugger editing staff's attributes currently.

-revamp of crowd audio. Tiers to volume & energy based on attendance, added songs & chants, greater & lesser hostility/enthusiasm based on a number of different factors etc. (made suggestion in feature requests & told of a review)

-rethink on tempo & perhaps passing tactically in general. Currently it's a combination of intensity of play & how quickly teams play through the thirds within the chosen length of passing. That's not how football necessarily works. Think there needs to be a divide. Patience doesn't necessarily mean slow & visa versa.  

-too easy to box teams in with a high pressing, tiki-taka game if you have a decent side. Have to ban myself from using it as a default tactic else I become bored & every game looks the same.

-greater, clear deviation from your chosen tactics. eg how deep your team is defending or the way they are passing. In real life if a team is fearful of the opposition, lacking in confidence, sometimes fatigued. They will have a tendency to drop & fall deeper, going into survival mode. Sometimes in a team lacking in confidence or frustrated they will lose their heads & become direct when it's not desired. Too often FM follows your tactics to the letter, for my liking. And feel there needs to be greater links to man-management.  

Edited by TWG85
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