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FM 2015 Error - Cannot proceed with long-time savegame (9k+ hours)

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Dear all,

I am seeking your advice on an issue that is preventing me to proceed with my long-time save in FM2015. I am not sure this is the right place within the forum, but I noticed that I cannot post in the part dedicated to technical issues in older versions.

I am playing my FM 2015 save since it was released and i am now in 2176. Never encountered particular issues besides some crashes from time to time (stability is great). However, I cannot play no longer as every time I reach the date of November 9, 2176 the game throws an error: "Attenzione: Unrecognized record in unpack routine" through a pop-up that is labeled as "Logged to channel: warnings-and-errors".
I have tried restarting the game, the PC, uninstalling and then reinstalling the game, clearing the cash, verifying steam installation, but every time I reach 9 Nov 2176, the error happens again.
I found the log folder under <User>/AppData/Local etc., but the log file named "warnings-and-errors" is empty.
In addition, the pop-up window with the error message re-appears immediately when i close it. Several times the game also crashed (after closing many times the error window) and a dump file is created.

I tried also re-starting from the saves I always keep at the beginning of the season (dating back to 1st July 2176), but the same problem occurs at the same date.

After getting a negative answer about the possibility to get some help from SEGA support (I understand it is a pretty old version), I re-loaded one older save (july 2175). I went on vacation and checked if the game was able to go past the damn date (November 9, 2176). It worked and reached even 2178-79 season!

So I re-started my game from that older save game (july 2175)... and now I get the same problem when I reach the date of November 2, 2176. I have even older save games, but nothing grants me that they will not occur in the same issue... 

My save game is around 608Mb in size. I am not using custom databases (but I remember I used some patches at the very beginning to have real names for some clubs) and game version is FM2015 v15.3.2 Steam. From time to time I use a live time editor to check players and recover some injuries :rolleyes:

I would really, REALLY appreciate if you could give me some advice as I do not see any solution... Maybe someone here had the very same issue and was able to find a workaround. 

Thank you in advance!


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Thanks Hovis, I was about to post an update.

I did almost exactly what you suggested by loading a week earlier save (30 October) and then going on vacation by an increasing amount of time:

- 6 November (1 week). Error given as soon as I get back from vacation
- 13 November (2 weeks). Error given as soon as I get back from vacation
- 20 November (3 weeks). Error given as soon as I get back from vacation
- 30 November (1 month). No error given!

As far as I understood, the problem seems to be related to the inbox. When I returned from vacation after one month, news and messages older than 3 November were no longer present in the inbox. My feeling is that the error was related to some message/news probably related to some specific player/team/staff member for which the program was not able to recover full or consistent data...

I am not sure if there is a way to verify this theory and understand the real root cause  of the error, but at the moment the game seems to proceed normally...

Edited by apadovani
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Apparently everything went fine until the 15th of March, then I got the error message again... I'll see if the trick I used before will work again.

In the meantime I had another reply from Sega support that is going to investigate the issue :) fingers crossed...

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Anywhere I saw people complaining about that error, mostly culprit was some kind of mess made with editor. If you changed something recently prior to error you might want to start with undoing it if it's possible...

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Right Prokopije, I also found some old messages relating the problem to the editor.

But I think it is not my case. The only changes I (probably - it was some time ago) did where when I started the game to use a more recent database and have real team names. Since then I only use a live time editor to check players and recover some injuries sometimes. And I didn't changed anything recently.


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