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Football Manager 2021 - New Headline Features

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Bit of a over reaction here my many. £30 ish once a year for hours and hours of entrainment and keeps us all from boredom in these difficult times. Value for money??? EASY answer. 

Look, the features announced don't rock the boat and stand out as real game changes. We are talking about a game that is very complex. What else can you really add that is not already in the game. Its more of a season update with up to date transfers with minor tweaks, in line with where football is at the moment. Current tactics system in line with modern day managers.  I will pay £30 a year for that. 

We are all football manager fans right? What else would you do to pass hours and hours of time? SI could of turned round and said they weren't putting out a game this year. Or waited till after the New Year. What would you play then? Get thrashed 5-0 by some lazy ned on Fifa 21 who plays 25 hours a day, 8 days a week?  Go 0 for 20 on team deathmatch in Call of Duty against some try hard American clan who's connection is superior to yours??!! Na, your all right. 

Keep up the good work lads. 

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4 hours ago, Smurf said:

I've avoided this thread to let it build and I've read a lot of comments. 

I hope SI take away from it the disappointment, no matter how unconstructive a lot of it was, but I hope they take away the points made by people who are not happy. 


I am one of them.. sorry to say, but if these are headline features... it's worrying. 


A little button to point finger, throw a bottle, .... give a player a hug.... open your arms.... really.

I'm sure there's a roadmap for interactions - but this wasn't implemented well when it was first introduced (player interactions) and it's steadily got worse year-in year-out. 

Interactions are terribly integrated into the game, and the influence it can have on players who behave like babies at times makes it a 'feature' I don't even bother with. 


Match Engine/Graphics side of it - looks good, year on year improvements as expected. 

THumbs up


More graphs.........booooring - never be used and don't want to ploughing through graphs. 

Won't use them at all. 

It's a game, I don't want to see graphs - what's the point of that?

My point is, it's boring, this is a football game!



Fire them all - never use them.

Takes too much time and interacting with scouts - meetings - sorry, but it's boring!

Find players easily myself. It's easy. Scouting is boring.


End of season review

I hope that this can be an option! 

The worst part of the game is End of Season already.

All the contract renewals, and it takes sooooo long to get from end of season to start of new season.

Again, it's boooring, takes me about an hour to get from May to August!


I don't know about other people but my typical style of play is to take over a team, I get rid of deadwood, and buy/loan players to fit my tactic (I've had the same tactic since FM 2010).

I fire/hire coaches.

Set my tactics (same as it's been for 10 years)

It's then full on to get to matches, play matches and win titles. 


At no point do I stop to have quick chats, or to talk to a player, or do anything with the media - never do and never will.


You might notice all the boring comments, yes it's boring part of the game. It's a game! It's a football management game. I'm sure there's a roadmap of enhancing features. I do think that this roadmap by SI needs to be severely looked at.  It's getting to the boring stage and has been for a few versions (to the point I've stopped buying the game since FM15!).

And boring is not good. 

Please SI - and mods - don't take it the wrong way - hopefully my scathing review of the features is taken in the spirit of the forum, and as constructive.

Stay safe.


I echo this.

At this stage I feel like this will be my manager:
Mr Motivator, 66, is back to take on TV's reality stars and Instagram  influencers to save Brits from obesity

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2 hours ago, davehanson said:

In your post you say more time off doesn't mean more development time. I think you are clutching at straws as you have no idea how to quantify what you wrote in your original sentence. 

I’m really not. It’s just basic knowledge of how dev cycles work.

A few people spoke on it already.


but i can’t speak for SI. It’s common sense really.



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38 minutes ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

I’m really not. It’s just basic knowledge of how dev cycles work.

A few people spoke on it already.


but i can’t speak for SI. It’s common sense really.



So, enlighten us on the development cycle then. Explain how FM released in November 2021, for example, wouldn't benefit from that extra year? 

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@CEVR1996Its a difficult challenge , they have to balance the game and make sure that you keep the minimum requirements :GeForce 9600M GT (2008) ( Proccesor :AMD Athlon64 FX-51 (2003) ) or (Intel Core 2 Duo Q6867 https://cpu-benchmarks.com/cpu/intel-core2-duo-q6867-3-00ghz/. Now you can imagine how this is hard AND they have to remove bugs AND COVID19 (I Didnt expect more feature than FM20) . I think that why there there is less than 5 technical movement , the principal Skill in the game is "Run with the ball faster than defander " there is no

insinde or outiside Step-OverRabona, Fake Shot, Cryuff  Turn, Roulette, Elastico, Cut, Rainbow, Okocha Turn, Back-Heel, Aurelio ,V Move etc , berbatov spin scoup turn . . .  , "that why when i was newbie or noob in the game i try to buy players who run very quickly , i always thinks PACE top 3 recruitment criteria"( in my first 50-100 hours in the game) and that why a lot of players sell players who are +30 years old because they are physically declining( IRL club don't work like this ) 

Anyway I will delete my old post about this cuz it is not planned



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Honestly didnt expect much but new recruitment system looks cool and closer to how clubs operate IRL and also the integration of xG is quite nice to hear.

Dont care too much about gestures, hopefully its well implemented.

Overall, if it comes with some improvements to the ME, it could be a good FM year, goos news considering circumstances.

Thanks SI !

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19 minutes ago, davehanson said:

So, enlighten us on the development cycle then. Explain how FM released in November 2021, for example, wouldn't benefit from that extra year? 


14 minutes ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

I don’t work for SI. Google and learn how dev cycles work. That’s off topic.

This isn't for this topic but yearly releases, or not, affect the number of people they can have working because of the bottom line, which affects the number of people in development, so taking a year out wouldnt actually speed development along. Neil has spoken about this before when asked about yearly releases. But's little to do with here so lets move on. The one-upmanship is pointless

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8 minutes ago, destmez said:

I think that why there there is less than 5 technical movement , the principal Skill in the game is "Run with the ball faster than defander " there is no

insinde or outiside Step-OverRabona, Fake Shot, Cryuff  Turn, Roulette, Elastico, Cut, Rainbow, Okocha Turn, Back-Heel, Aurelio ,V Move etc , berbatov spin scoup turn . .

While I agree game lacks individual movement and skills to save the day alone. Still bigger problem in FM 20 was and is this endless running/dribbling alone.. riding to the sunset team mates waving you bye bye "run forest". Of course when you add players usually are toothless when in flanks game flow becomes throw-in fest because the space is in the flank but do teams really often want to cross? No! they keep ball moving and find the hole in more dangerous channel. Oh well. Venting out finished.. waiting more info from fm21 continues :D

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16 minutes ago, Pasonen said:

Bien que je sois d'accord, le jeu manque de mouvement individuel et de compétences pour sauver la journée seul. Le problème encore plus important dans FM 20 était et est toujours cette course / dribble sans fin seul ... à cheval vers les coéquipiers du coucher du soleil en vous faisant signe au revoir "run forest". Bien sûr, lorsque vous ajoutez, les joueurs sont généralement édentés quand, sur les flancs, le flux de jeu devient une fête de remise en jeu parce que l'espace est dans le flanc, mais les équipes veulent-elles vraiment souvent se croiser? Non! ils continuent à bouger et trouvent le trou dans un canal plus dangereux. Oh nous allons. Évacuation terminée. En attente de plus d'informations de la fm21 continue :RÉ


maybe in FM they will correct the race running/dribbling alone but i didnt expect anything about tricks moves etc...

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I expect nothing but I'm still disappointed in the "new features" released. Every year. I read about this years' features and was massively underwhelmed, which is an understatement. Only to find out later they even were the headline features, I bursted out laughing so hard. So many good suggestions posted on the forum and yet they come up with this.

I get the game for free again this year (legally) and I still feel I'm not getting my money's worth.

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this game is amazing...

look...every year we buy it...

with a lot of bugs...sending patchs after patchs some of them with major alterations that make us begin again....have a amazing comunity that makes the work for them....graphics...photos...logos....etc...etc.....

the graphics dont improve because....there are people that cant buy pc in the last 5...6 years...( all the other major pc games ..ARE ALL CRAZY...making better games every year...)...a comunity that year after year  helps giving advise ideias that most of all never get listen....


SI PEOPLE...we love the game...we love your work...but please...

IMPROVE THE AI so we can have a really experience ...so we can see real diferents in tactics aproach...so we can see real dificulty in reaching the top...so we can see real diferents betwen a player with 18 speed and a 10...

IMPROVE A LITLE EVERY YEAR THE GRAPHICS ..more animations...why my team dont have the same stadium when playing a t home...

IMPROVE THE TRAINING SYSTEM ...actualy i think most of the people cant make his training

resuming...beautifull game...endless game....respect for your work ...

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Again, couldn't possibly care less about any features or new things added to the game. All I care about is whether the ME has been improved to start resembling anything like real football.

It's not encouraging that one of the first clips we see is a left back going on a 60 yard run down the flank. But at this point all we can do is wait and see.

If the action on the pitch doesn't look good, and I can't make my team play a specific style, nothing else matters in the slightest.

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42 minutes ago, Savatage1973 said:

this game is amazing...

look...every year we buy it...

with a lot of bugs...sending patchs after patchs some of them with major alterations that make us begin again....have a amazing comunity that makes the work for them....graphics...photos...logos....etc...etc.....

the graphics dont improve because....there are people that cant buy pc in the last 5...6 years...( all the other major pc games ..ARE ALL CRAZY...making better games every year...)...a comunity that year after year  helps giving advise ideias that most of all never get listen....


SI PEOPLE...we love the game...we love your work...but please...

IMPROVE THE AI so we can have a really experience ...so we can see real diferents in tactics aproach...so we can see real dificulty in reaching the top...so we can see real diferents betwen a player with 18 speed and a 10...

IMPROVE A LITLE EVERY YEAR THE GRAPHICS ..more animations...why my team dont have the same stadium when playing a t home...

IMPROVE THE TRAINING SYSTEM ...actualy i think most of the people cant make his training

resuming...beautifull game...endless game....respect for your work ...

"they have to balance the game and make sure that you keep the minimum requirements :GeForce 9600M GT (2008)DirectX 10, ( AMD Athlon64 FX-51 (2003) " I didnt expect any BIG step Up on AI if they step up to much they will have to 

increase the minimum requirements to run FM and they dont want to do it because they want to keep a certain fan-base ( the  AMD Athlon64 FX-51 will burn 🔥)

more animations ? maybe can be several ways of running, as in pes


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If I play high line I want my cb's to step into opposition half when the play is getting closer to box. They often come inside the half way mark but majority of time they will just stay out of it. That leaves the gap between cb and dm strata. I hope they step into opposition half more in fm 21. 

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I'm pretty sure I'm disappointed with the headline features but I can understand given the situation. The community seems to be upset which is understandable as well since this isn't a charity. I want the game to improve as well but I think people are going the wrong way hurling criticism through the wrong choice of words and are getting removed by mods.

The only solution for people who don't like what they're seeing is a oxymoron in itself: The only time your every problem or pet peeve will even be given the slightest attention is when there are alarming statistics like 60% people still on older FMs as opposed to FM 21. So you may tell me oh that's easy so you're telling us not to buy the game. Except, it isn't as easy as that. Here's the oxymoron: There isn't an alternative to FM so the majority will come back to the one choice they have. And this isn't counting people who don't post on forums.

Don't even get me started on the kindergarten manager modes that are FIFA or PES. When people have no alternative or competition to go to, most of them end up coming back so more sales for SI year after year. And when you draw in money year after year, you can afford to listen to what you want, when you want.

So yeah in a way, people complain loudly at: Pre-order, beta, .1, .2, .3 etc.  but the sales numbers just keep shooting up plus there are glowing reviews about FM. As long as that happens, all of your critical up voted posts aren't going to do anything at all. They're just going to be shiny posts on a thread in this forum.

That's why people here find it easy to tell you to not buy the game. Either they know the game can survive without you regardless of your opinions or they know you'll just come back.

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12 minutos atrás, saiyaman disse:

I'm pretty sure I'm disappointed with the headline features but I can understand given the situation. The community seems to be upset which is understandable as well since this isn't a charity. I want the game to improve as well but I think people are going the wrong way hurling criticism through the wrong choice of words and are getting removed by mods.

The only solution for people who don't like what they're seeing is a oxymoron in itself: The only time your every problem or pet peeve will even be given the slightest attention is when there are alarming statistics like 60% people still on older FMs as opposed to FM 21. So you may tell me oh that's easy so you're telling us not to buy the game. Except, it isn't as easy as that. Here's the oxymoron: There isn't an alternative to FM so the majority will come back to the one choice they have. And this isn't counting people who don't post on forums.

Don't even get me started on the kindergarten manager modes that are FIFA or PES. When people have no alternative or competition to go to, most of them end up coming back so more sales for SI year after year. And when you draw in money year after year, you can afford to listen to what you want, when you want.

So yeah in a way, people complain loudly at: Pre-order, beta, .1, .2, .3 etc.  but the sales numbers just keep shooting up plus there are glowing reviews about FM. As long as that happens, all of your critical up voted posts aren't going to do anything at all. They're just going to be shiny posts on a thread in this forum.

That's why people here find it easy to tell you to not buy the game. Either they know the game can survive without you regardless of your opinions or they know you'll just come back.

The closest competition FM has on the football management gaming niche are the likes of Soccer Manager or Online Soccer Manager which are essentially mobile platform tailored games that can also be played on a computer if one does so wish. Both these games along with their similar free to download counterparts are far less in depth than FM, to the point of not even being fair to make side by side comparisons between any of them and FM, they're worlds apart on all fronts aside maybe the graphical layout aspect.


With this in mind, yes, wether you enjoy the game or not, if you really can't get by without a footy management game in your life, FM is the only properly established option within this particular genre that grants the player a remotely engaging long term experience of managing a virtual football team. It has just enough resemblance to the real thing in the form of available content and gameplay mechanics in order to keep us hooked up, even if there are certain aspects we can barely stand, such as the poor match engine AI and so forth.


Ultimately, the attractiveness behind the core premise of the game for many diehard football fans creates an environment where FM, with all of it's glaring issues on specific areas, remains nonetheless extremely addictive. Add to this, the fact that FM, unlike FIFA or PES, can be played for several consecutive hours without instigating a substantial degree of fatigue in our brain due to it's slow paced, visually streamlined and click based nature deprived of any sense of urgency or need for intensive focus, and you'll have a game that's very easy to grow deeply attached to.

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They have to work on the visuals. They have mastered the data side. The huge database is why there is no competition, It would take too long for a competitor to create something similar. They need a team that can create something that is pretty on the eyes. Not the mess we currently see. Baby steps in areas like ask the agent is a nice touch....not something described as a new feature. Many examples like this year after year.

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36 minutes ago, rdbayly said:

Been away from FM20 for 10 months following a bitter divorce. I cited 'irreconcilable differences with the developer' on the final papers. FM20 was the final straw for me. Matches were a torturous experience consisting of robotic and repetitive highlights, which were completely disconnected from the inherent tactical strengths and weaknesses of the teams playing.

I won't pass judgement on a game yet to be completed or even in Beta - with one exception - we need to have a discussion about the art design of this game's stadium interiors. As a Kidderminster Harriers fan and ground-hopper who has attended non-league games from Romania to the Canary Islands; I don't understand what has happened to stadiums on this game since FM17. Now, the argument that graphics on FM are pinned back to accommodate those who play on low-spec machines is fine. However, I cannot and will not accept the way things are now, because they used to be so much better. There has to be a logical reason for what we see now, otherwise we are saying the conversation went like this: "I'd like the art team to remove all textures from the pitches, and ensure that the stands are a combination of neon mustard, reds and browns. I also want you to include exits the size of the Grand Canyon and remove the colour and animation variations from fans - But above all, make sure that all clubs (including grass roots) have giant TV screens the size of the ones Henman hill watch during Wimbledon".

I just don't get it.

This has been discussed quite often in recent years and as you say there may well be a logical reason why this has happened.  I would love one of the developers to come on here and explain, but I doubt that will happen

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I've read the features again and can finally say, that I'm looking forward to throwing a bottle at my 4 star striker, that botched 5 clear cut chances and hug my winger with 8 for headers, but whose header saved the game! Match Engine, yay!

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1 hour ago, rdbayly said:

Been away from FM20 for 10 months following a bitter divorce. I cited 'irreconcilable differences with the developer' on the final papers. FM20 was the final straw for me. Matches were a torturous experience consisting of robotic and repetitive highlights, which were completely disconnected from the inherent tactical strengths and weaknesses of the teams playing.

I won't pass judgement on a game yet to be completed or even in Beta - with one exception - we need to have a discussion about the art design of this game's stadium interiors. As a Kidderminster Harriers fan and ground-hopper who has attended non-league games from Romania to the Canary Islands; I don't understand what has happened to stadiums on this game since FM17. Now, the argument that graphics on FM are pinned back to accommodate those who play on low-spec machines is fine. However, I cannot and will not accept the way things are now, because they used to be so much better. There has to be a logical reason for what we see now, otherwise we are saying the conversation went like this: "I'd like the art team to remove all textures from the pitches, and ensure that the stands are a combination of neon mustard, reds and browns. I also want you to include exits the size of the Grand Canyon and remove the colour and animation variations from fans - But above all, make sure that all clubs (including grass roots) have giant TV screens the size of the ones Henman hill watch during Wimbledon".

I just don't get it.

Something changed when they introduced 3D face models. 

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1 hora atrás, rdbayly disse:

Been away from FM20 for 10 months following a bitter divorce. I cited 'irreconcilable differences with the developer' on the final papers. FM20 was the final straw for me. Matches were a torturous experience consisting of robotic and repetitive highlights, which were completely disconnected from the inherent tactical strengths and weaknesses of the teams playing.

I won't pass judgement on a game yet to be completed or even in Beta - with one exception - we need to have a discussion about the art design of this game's stadium interiors. As a Kidderminster Harriers fan and ground-hopper who has attended non-league games from Romania to the Canary Islands; I don't understand what has happened to stadiums on this game since FM17. Now, the argument that graphics on FM are pinned back to accommodate those who play on low-spec machines is fine. However, I cannot and will not accept the way things are now, because they used to be so much better. There has to be a logical reason for what we see now, otherwise we are saying the conversation went like this: "I'd like the art team to remove all textures from the pitches, and ensure that the stands are a combination of neon mustard, reds and browns. I also want you to include exits the size of the Grand Canyon and remove the colour and animation variations from fans - But above all, make sure that all clubs (including grass roots) have giant TV screens the size of the ones Henman hill watch during Wimbledon".

I just don't get it.

And if you're going to put those massive HD screens in a 2000 seater stadium of a non league club, at least give us an option to ask the board how in God's name could they afford such a thing yet are somehow unable to provide you with 200 extra quid worth of wiggling room to hire a decent physio...

Edited by CEVR1996
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To me it's clear that the lack of a competitor makes SI work less hard. I'm not saying they aren't putting in the effort, but there are so many things that could be better. 

The game itself isn't bad, but you gotta be wondering if it's worth a yearly upgrade like this when features just aren't that substantial. At least PES 21 outright said it's a roster update and decided to release it on cheap along with a lot of bonuses loyal customers. 

This isn't some niche game either, FM constantly tops steam charts. Were going down the route of EA/Konami of minimal changes every year while charging full price. No one needs to buy the game, but as long as there is no competitor nothing will change. 

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@Marko1989 I would take a look at the manner in which you phrased your posts. We talk a lot about being respectful, its written into the rules, and people leave thousands of posts here, so they can't reply to all of them. You should ask yourself if anyone from SI is likely to respond to someone who speaks to them in that manner

Devs are pretty patient people, and if they can, they will try to take time out from their busy work and respond where possible. But they are people, and you shouldn't be surprised if they don't respond to people who can't be courteous

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2 minutes ago, motdattan said:

It's about what is being said, not the way it is said.

The way it's said absolutely matters. If people can't be respectful and courteous, not only are people less likely to look at it, but the chances of the posts staying up, or people being allowed to post also fall dramatic. There's absolutely no need for people to be rude or discourteous when talking to others

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Just now, themadsheep2001 said:

The way it's said absolutely matters. If people can't be respectful and courteous, not only are people less likely to look at it, but the chances of the posts staying up, or people being allowed to post also fall dramatic. There's absolutely no need for peopel to be rude

And there's no need to ignore someone just because you didn't like the way he said it.

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2 minutes ago, motdattan said:

And there's no need to ignore someone just because you didn't like the way he said it.

They don't have to tolerate or engage with rudeness as part of their job. And so they won't. It's not a point up for debate.

And Neil/moderators will step in where people don't follow that

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On 16/10/2020 at 11:33, themadsheep2001 said:

I wouldn't worry about the importance of upvotes when it comes to feedback tbh. Feedback isn't taken based on a popularity contest

But you moderate for a developer that gives out medals on its forum for the most upvoted content of the day? Life is so confusing.

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22 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

@Marko1989 I would take a look at the manner in which you phrased your posts. We talk a lot about being respectful, its written into the rules, and people leave thousands of posts here, so they can't reply to all of them. You should ask yourself if anyone from SI is likely to respond to someone who speaks to them in that manner

Devs are pretty patient people, and if they can, they will try to take time out from their busy work and respond where possible. But they are people, and you shouldn't be surprised if they don't respond to people who can't be courteous

I admit the post with "wtf" was not respectful, I was just mad. But again, you can see my respect for them in my posts. >>>


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Not sure if this is the place to post this or if it's just going to get lost. But SciSports have announced a partnership with Football Manager and posted a couple of new xG screenshots on their website. Same type of thing from the trailer, just more of the screen.


Screen 1:  "We didn't put out a good performance according to xG, as our total xG was noticeably lower than our opponent's. We had a similar number of chances to Sheff Utd; however, disappointingly we converted them at a worse rate than our opponent. We had fewer individual high quality chances than our opposition, which is expected as we had generally worse quality shots throughout. This doesn't make it less disappointing however."

Screen 2: "Compared to expectations, Leicester have had few chances, and the chances they do get have been converted at a very disappointing rate. Leicester have had very few clear cut chances, likely due to the majority of their shots severely lacking quality. "


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6 hours ago, Dbuk1 said:

They have to work on the visuals. They have mastered the data side. The huge database is why there is no competition, It would take too long for a competitor to create something similar. They need a team that can create something that is pretty on the eyes. Not the mess we currently see. Baby steps in areas like ask the agent is a nice touch....not something described as a new feature. Many examples like this year after year.

Again, as previously mentioned, the issue is the kind of computers being used by the FM audience - when you're having the likes of 30+% of people playing with Intel integrated graphics, because they play on what are essentially work laptops, you have to weigh up how many people would stop playing the game if they had to buy a new laptop, compared to how many might be bothered by the current level of graphics. The people on this forum are a tiny minority of the overall playerbase, so you should take into account that the people here playing on high-spec gaming PCs are the statistical outlier.

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Guys, rather than fill up this thread with discussions about how the forums are moderated in general, your views on particular moderators, etc (which is off-topic and just causing arguments), please direct your comments towards the Contact Us link at the bottom of the forum, also found here: https://community.sigames.com/contact/

Those messages go directly to the forum admins over at SI, and can be dealt with directly with the people actually in charge.

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The regression in graphics is counter intuitive - has that ever been addressed?  I understand the need to accommodate lower spec machines, but what about higher spec machines that can handle the detail?  It's just a head scratcher.  If console games regressed like this, well, they'd be called a Sega <insert console name>.  Coincidence!

Honestly I just want to enjoy the game.  Like many, the day to day stresses of real life makes me look forward for moments to escape and decompress.  I want to walk out of my home office playing FM feeling like I just personally won the Champions League, and continue to think about it all night long.  Not debate with the media and work on my body language.  At times I really miss the simplicity of the older games, and doing my utmost to remove sentiment and nostalgia when saying that.

Can't wait to play, but feels more like studying for an exam than playing a game!

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