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Scouting odd players

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Hi all,

I don't really know where is the best place to Post this, so am gonna write it here and the mods can always change it as needed.

I have the Scout Assignments under my control, but consistently my Scouts keep Scouting players that have nothing to do with their assignments, i.e. all my Scouts are assigned to look for U20 players in various parts of the world, however they keep scouting players that are 28+. Is it any way to tell them to stop wasting your time with those players and keep looking for those rough gems?

Is it related to the Scouting Package?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Sharkn20
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What is your scouting focus? If "age" section is set to "all" than it might be related to that. 

I had problems with scouts offering me only players which I can't afford even in wildest dreams, and problem was in scouting focus, availability was set to all, instead to "now".

Try to set age to young only and see if it will gone.

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