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Why you keep locking my threads without answering it or let people comment on it?

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Im sorry, but what the actually heck is that?

When I posted questions here, you said that you will lock because it is not the right place.
When I posted in the "right place", someone said "review so locked".

I dont want you to answer that, I'm asking forum users if they have some light on that, cause mods/staff doesnt.

Stop locking my posts.

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You posted in the feature requests section, to request a feature. When SI reviews the request, they post that they have reviewed it. It's then obviously locked so it doesn't get bumped up again when they have already reviewed it. It's a normal process that happens to every thread in that section.

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I think if you add [Discussion] to the thread title, it will indicate to the SI staff that you're not making a direct suggestion, but want to talk about the features that instead. From the Feature Requests forum heading:


Please add one of the the following to any feature you choose to post here:

[Discussion] - For any feature you feel needs fleshing out, needs a bit of feedback from others or is a general discussion about how to change an area of the game. 

[Suggestion] - A full fledged idea you feel is ready for consideration. 


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12 minutes ago, thiagoanjo said:

I just posted there cause someone said I couldnt post here and locked the thread.
That wasnt a request for anything.
I want to talk with users, not mods/staff.

You could have just PM'd @GuitarMan to explain this and I'm sure it would have been re-opened. If it wasn't a feature request, why post it in the feature request section though? That doesn't make sense. Anyway, I'll re-open your thread here in GD, but you're asking questions that users won't really be able to answer. SI will know the answers to design decisions and they may not want to share reasoning for every design decision they make.

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