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your 5 favourite attributes for a player

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9 hours ago, HUNT3R said:

Hidden or not, your thread mentioned attributes. Stats aren't hidden and your post, you didn't want stats, but rather attributes. Wording is important.  :brock:

ouch okay sorry just a causal player who made post whilst on his lunch break in a busy factory.......jeez no wonder i spend more time on the facbook page these days lol

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3 minutes ago, Domathon said:

ouch okay sorry just a causal player who made post whilst on his lunch break in a busy factory.......jeez no wonder i spend more time on the facbook page these days lol

Haha, no don't worry. That's why I put the emoji at the end - it's not serious!

If you want, I could close this one and then you can start another thread where you can specify they need to be visible attributes. Most of us included hidden attributes in our lists. Your choice since it's your thread. :thup:

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This thread has been a bit of an eye-opener. Very interesting indeed. 

My only contribution is that I made a spreadsheet to be a bit more forensic in understanding who my best players were against each role. It turns out pretty much every role wants anticipation.

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Am 3.11.2020 um 20:45 schrieb HUNT3R:

So he needs to be on the bench. Otherwise, he'll need to make decisions.

I do not understand how you come to that conclusion - he needs to have the pace to be in the space or location  where on the field a player decision has to be made from the right type of player that is suited to execute the outcome of that decisonmaking.

Aside of that even on the highest League level a decisionmaking of 8 is good enough to not make a fatal error or so much fatal errors that it will cost you the game - below 8 a player is not suited for top level football.

There are many attributes that need to be above some thresholds and higher numbers do not matter when they meet or exceed that threshold:

Tackling 12 is enough for top level football

Heading for a defender is of no matter while jumping is a key value and should exceed 15.

Jumping is of no matter for a striker but heading should be above 13.

Pace 13 is good enough for defenders while at least for my team strikers should have pace 16 while midfielders (some of them) get away with values a low as 8 or even 7.

Well, that is for my style of play of course - ymmv.


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I went through the posts and I only saw Teamwork Five times. This is a game about making winning teams...how is Teamwork not important to people?!? Anyway, my five are (in alphabetical order):

Composure.....(Don't want players getting red cards or giving the ball away when it's unnecessary.)

Decisions.........(Speaks for itself.)

Stamina or Pace, depending on position...........(I saw at least one person put Natural Fitness, but I think Stamina is the more important one?) 

Teamwork.......(It's a team game...)

Work Rate........(Also self-explanatory. However I noticed a lot of people prefer Determination. I wonder if some people could explain why they prefer that over Work Rate?)

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The match engine often makes crap decisions for players that are supposed to be good at decision making, but if you dominate physically you'll always run over opponents.

High values in these areas also significantly compensate for technical shortcomings. A fast, agile player will win the ball back lots even with low tackling ability. An average finisher with great balance might keep his shots down whilst being buffeted in the box better than a technically good one.

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