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Attributes and roles that have disappeared over the course of your save

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In my save there are virtually no wingers or midfielders who have finishing 15 or higher, except for guys who are really strikers but are only accomplished on the wing. When the game starts, there are many such players. Picking a few names at random, KDB, Gareth Bale, Eden Hazard, James Rodriguez, Gnabry, Perisic, etc etc.

I would guess this happens to everyone, because the newgens are drawn from the same distribution in all saves. But I'm curious if you have seen any other attribute/position/role combinations disappearing.


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In my FM20 saves, I've noticed quality fullbacks to always be in high demand.

I've seen top clubs pay ludicrous sums for average fullbacks, really picking the market clean of anyone who could tackle and cross.

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Can't say I ever noticed midfielders with finishing fading away. The IF definitely does fade away, with the rare exception of Strikers that can play on the wing as you said. Although part of it could be that few midfield roles actively train in finishing, except for some of the aggressive AM roles. Most noticeably for me though is the lack of defenders that can do more than the NCB/LFB roles require them to. Only BPDs you see are the very top players that have so much CA that it has to go somewhere other than defensive attributes and fullbacks that can contribute in attack just go extinct after the real players retire.

Part of the issue is also development in general. With players at a young age developing far too fast, combined with development at that age being heavily skewed towards physical attributes it basically turns every player into a physical beast, leaving little room for high technical attributes.

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2 hours ago, Prej said:

In my FM20 saves, I've noticed quality fullbacks to always be in high demand.

I've seen top clubs pay ludicrous sums for average fullbacks, really picking the market clean of anyone who could tackle and cross.

This is true. I have a hard time finding a fullback with crossing>14. In fact, I would say that in my entire database, there are fewer than 10 natural fullbacks with crossing 15 or higher.

Also, if they have some offensive skill, half the time they are 5'5'' and couldn't jump over a shoebox.

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