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Mentoring system, lack of control, lack of development


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I like the realism of the new mentoring system but I have to say its a regression in gameplay to the old system. I previously made a topic on here that I think was deleted, but the general consensus was mentoring between squads was not realistic. Players from u23s wouldn't spend time with senior players etc.


There's plenty of examples in real life with teams where u23 players can train with the senior team and in FM you can even assign younger players to senior team units. There's also lots of examples of u23s travelling with the senior team just for the experience, even if they aren't in the squad.

For certain players, this causes a yo-yo effect. Those who aren't quite first team ready, but also have potential. For example:

  1. Supposing you have a promising youngster with poor mental attributes like Determination.  The choice currently if they need game time is to either loan them out, or promote them to the first team. Promote to the first team and they basically sit in your senior squad window and never get picked, but attributes can increase through being mentored by senior players with influence.
  2. The other choice is to loan players out, which in the case of players with good determination can work quite well, but not in all cases.
  3. Choice 3 is to leave them in the u23 squad, this choice is the worst when it comes to development. Mentoring just does not work from one young player to another because no player in the youth setup has a significant impact. If you try to set up mentoring, you have groups full of players all with light or average impact on everyone, with no team leaders to inspire other players.

I understand the move to the new system but really feel like something needs to be done to improve the control of development, since the change of one-to-one mentoring there's a significant lack of control developing these yo yo players.

It's not fun having to full my senior squad with youth players just so they see good development...and having to manage when and when not they are available for the u23 team. 

A simple proposition would be to allow u23 players that are added to the first team training unit to also be added to first team mentoring. This would allow mentoring to work with the yo yo players, without having to add all the youth players to the first team squad.


Abandon the possibility of players being mentored at all, and move the mental development improvement changes to training in units only for youngsters.

One youngster is not going to improve mentally by being mentored by another youngster, it just doesn't make sense and it doesn't work in the game!

I agree with the previous topic here: 


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