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[Suggestion] Notify manager when youth trials are soon to end and other youth stuff.


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I do apologise if this has been suggested before. I've tried searching for this sort of thing before. "Trials" gives a lot of results, as would "youth".

When the youth intake comes around I tend to sign the youngsters my coaching team recommends and leave the rest of their trials to try and impress.

With my current youth intake it was suggested I only sign one player, and did so. There were a few more players I gave contracts to after good performances but the trials for the rest just ran out.

It's not always easy to be organised to keep an eye on trial end dates. When these young player's trials ended I was hit with the double whammy that now offering them contracts makes them want much more than a youth contract as they are considered 'outside of the club'.

Can we maybe just have a head of youth update to inboxes on how young players are doing on their trial periods, and then a final meeting right before their trial periods are due to end?

I just feel there is so much more communication within the game now, but the dev centre almosts eems to be out on a limb. I have a head of youth development but the only time I really hear from him is when I get early notice of youth recruits and then around youth intake day. Otherwise my head of youth is pretty much just a face.

How about even having weekly meetings to discuss youth progress?

Edited by anagain
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